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Thank you.

We have recently been very fortunate to receive some extremely kind gifts from parents and friends within the Loanhead community and we would like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you to all who have contributed.  The gifts given will make the difference to many families this festive season as follows:

  • Donated food items for our newly formed community cupboard will allow any parent/carer in our community who feels they need a little help to come in and take items that will help boost meals and personal care products for their families.
  • Donated clothing of new hats, scarfs, socks, tights and clothes are currently being distributed to families in need within our school & ECC and will provide a much needed warmth in this particular cold snap of weather.
  • A very generous monetary donation to our music team will allow new drumming equipment to be purchased and kept in the school giving more pupils access to a new musical experience. This is a valuable expressive outlet for many pupils.
  • Offers of help, for families struggling with costs at this time of year, to go towards payments of the Pantomime tickets will ensure that every child gets the opportunity to experience this festive activity.
  • A large selection of new toys that will be distributed to families over the next two weeks and will help ensure that all children will get a special present to open on Christmas morning.
  • We have also received ongoing support from the Friends of Loanhead this festive season with selection boxes for all pupils to receive at their parties in the school and ECC, party snacks and prizes and a snack treat for all the pupils when they go to the pantomime.

If you know anyone who would like support by any of these means or if you find that you or your family could benefit from receiving help then please contact Mrs Milne, Head Teacher, who will assist where possible.  All referrals and requests will be treated with the utmost sensitivity and confidence.

Thank You.


Telephone: 01563 522938

Friends of Loanhead Christmas Fayre

Now that it’s November it’s time to mention all things Christmas.  FOL are organising a Christmas Fayre but we can’t do this without you.

We are appealing for donations for the following stalls – bottles, home baking, tombola, chocolate tombola, preloved and outgrown Christmas jumpers and raffle prizes.  We understand that this is a lot to ask but we are extremely grateful for all your support.

We also need volunteers to help organise and help out on the day.  If you can help in any way please get in touch either via our Facebook Page (Friends of Loanhead – Parent Council) or by email:

Thank you.
Friends of Loanhead Fundraising Group