Big Walk and Wheel Week-31st March to 4th April 2025

From Monday 31st March – Friday 4th April 2025 the school will be participating in Sustrans’ Big Walk and Wheel Week.

Children are encouraged to take an active journey to and from school this week, including walking, cycling, scooting or skating.

Each day will have a different theme that children are able to take part in if they wish.

Monday: Crazy Hair

Tuesday: Odd Socks

Wednesday: Bright clothing

Thursday: Funky make up or accessories

Friday: Pyjamas and a teddy

Please watch the short video the ECO Champions have put together to let you know more about it.

Big Walk and Wheel Week

Global Recycling Day

Global Recycling Day
Tuesday 18 March is Global Recycling Day.
The Eco Champions would love to see photos of you recycling at home.
Please send them to

Thanks for Riley, P5, for his amazing poster to advertise the day.
We will continue to recycle our paper and food in school to support our journey to saving the planet!

Football Kit

A huge thank you to Friends of Loanhead who have kindly purchased football strips for the school’s football team.

They look fantastic in their new kit!

Good luck against Shortlees tonight!

Parents/cares are welcome to come along and support the team.



Well done to the children in Primary 6 and Primary 7 that took part in the recent handball tournament.

The children represented the school really well, and the boys achieved second place.

Everyone looked great in their Loanhead Sports T-shirts.

Well done everyone!

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