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Spring Fling, Friday 31st March

Children will take part in our traditional ‘Spring Fling’ this coming Friday.   Throughout the day, children will take part in a variety of activities across the school .

We are very fortunate to receive ongoing support from Friends of Loanhead, who have kindly donated chocolate eggs and prizes.

If you would like to support this event, a donation can be made via ParentPay (please note  that the school can no longer accepts cash payments). This will be available on ParentPay from Wednesday 29th March.

Wishing you and your families a safe and happy Spring break when it comes.


Can we please remind all parents/carers of the following arrangements for the start and end of the day:

  • Please do not come into the playground while pupils are in any part of the playground
  • If you require to speak to your child’s teacher, please contact the school to request an appointment
  • Please do not bring dogs in to the school campus. Animals are not permitted in the playground or car park area.
  • P5-7 are dismissed via the pedestrian gate on Loanhead Street. Pupils should meet their parent/carer on the pavement in front of the school.  Please do not come into the car park or call your child to cross the carpark and exit by the vehicle gate
  • P1-4 are dismissed via the two doors at the back of the school on Dick Road. Please allow a clear space between the doors and the edge of the playground.  When parents/carers surge forward it results in pupils being unable to see who is there to collect them

Thank you for your ongoing support in keeping our school safe for our children.