Dates for the Diary – postponement

Advice has come in that all visitors to the school should be minimised and therefore we have taken the decision to postpone the following events where parents would normally be very welcome to attend:  Class Assemblies, Sharing the Learning Workshops, Parents Nights and The Easter Service.  Where possible these events will be rescheduled as soon as possible.

Report cards will be issued on Friday 20th March to give you information on your child’s learning.  

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Mrs Milne


Grab Bags

You will have seen the children coming home with grab bags today.  These are for the future use should a pupil be unable to attend school.  We are working hard to provide support for those who are at home and in the coming days we will update you, on the current forms of communication we have on where to find activities and learning for your children.  In the bag you will find a number of resources that the children may need including their Glow User Name.  Passwords will be sent separately for security purposes.  At this point in time we are open and functioning as normal at our school.  Your continued support is very much appreciated.

Thank You

Mrs Milne

P1-P3 Active Literacy Workshop

Parents/Carers are invited to an afternoon workshop to support their children’s reading and literacy skills.  A demonstration will be given on how to use Bugclub online.  The workshop will also demonstrate our ‘Active Literacy’ programme and show how this develops your child’s literacy skills.

The workshop will take place at Loanhead PS, Kirkstyle Campus, 3.30-4.30pm