FOL Next Event…

Next Event: Christmas Raffle.

Raffle ticket envelopes will be sent home with the children.  The envelope will contain 5 strips of tickets totalling £5.
If you wish to buy, please buy in full strips (£1 each) tear off half and keep, then enclose the money with the other half of the strip.  It’s important that your child’s name and class is written clearly on the back of the strip being returned to the school.   Raffle ticket envelopes will be sent home by 5th December and must be returned back to the school by Wednesday 16th December.    If you have any items you would like to donate towards the raffle, chocolates, new unwanted gifts or toys please drop them into the school office.

Latest updates on activities and meetings are advised via the facbook page: Friends of Loanhead.  Please feel free to like and follow the page to make sure you get updates on the latest meetings and activities.