All posts by Mrs MILTON

Creating Connections – Thursday 7th March

Ayrshire College, Kilmarnock Campus on Thursday 7 March from 3.30pm to 6pm

Creating Connections is a free event to provide parents, carers and teachers with information on helping disabled young people and young people with additional support needs into work after they leave school.

Speak to employers and training providers, and get advice on support available to help learners with additional support needs to enter the world of work, including information sessions on funding, options after 16, career management skills and supporting disabled people in the workplace.

For more information visit



Women in Wellies – Tuesday 19th February

All S3 girls will be involved in the #Womeninwellies event at Dumfries house on Tuesday 19th February. The girls will be transported to and from Dumfries House by bus. Pupils are required to wear school uniform. Food and drink will be provided throughout the day. All girls were issued with a letter containing the details of the event. Please contact Mrs McPheator if you have any questions.


Study Weekend

We are hoping to run a study residential at Dumfries House on the 23rd and 24th March. This will cost no more than £60 per pupil and will include a number of outdoor and team activities run by Dumfries House staff, an overnight stay at the outdoor centre, all of your food for the weekend and brain gym, study skills and subject master classes run by your teachers. If anyone would like more information or to book a slot please come and see Mrs Cook in the music department before the end of the day on Friday 8th February.


Right of the Month – January 2019

January’s right of the month at Auchinleck Academy has been Article 2: Non Discrimination(nobody should be discriminated against because of their ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, language ability family background or any other status). To learn more about this right, S1 Pupils have been participating in anti-bullying lessons in PSE and have also attended workshops delivered by Centre Stage and Nil By Mouth which focused on respect, and tackling prejudice and hate crime.  Next week all pupils will attend assemblies delivered by S1 pupils to raise awareness of this right and to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.

Women in Wellies Event

East Ayrshire Council’s Learning Outdoors Support Team (LOST) are hosting a careers event to inspire and encourage girls and young women to pursue careers in Rural and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields.

The #WomenInWellies event will be hosted at Dumfries House on Tuesday 19th February 2019 from 9:30-2:45. All female pupils from 3rd year, will attend this event which includes hearing from inspiring speakers, talking with a wide variety of women from over 20 different careers and taking part in summit workshops.

The Scottish Government’s STEM strategy, highlights that there are significant differences in the participation of women in STEM and rural subjects, with gender imbalances seen across education, training and work sectors.

  • Only 16% of entrants into Engineering and Technology higher education courses were female.
  • Only 3% of Construction Modern Apprenticeships were taken up by women.
  • Women in STEM tend to earn less than male colleagues,
  • Girls are underrepresented in STEM subjects with 28% of Higher Physics entries, 16% of Higher Computing entries and 10% of Computing Science

The benefits of working and spending time in the outdoors particularly in natural or greenspace is increasingly acknowledged as one of the key factors in fighting stress, inactivity and poor overall physical and mental health.

It is hoped that attendees will leave the event inspired and motivated to learn and engage in STEM and rural learning, and investigate these pursuits as a potential career path.

We hope you agree that this will be a fantastic opportunity for your daughter to engage with professional women from a variety of different careers and will support them in attending the event.

Refreshments and sandwiches will be provided throughout the day.

There is no cost to parents/carers for this event.

A letter will be given to your daughter about this event and if you would prefer that she does not attend, please return the slip attached to the school office.

Option Choices

The options process began this week with a test run to give us an idea of the subjects pupils wish to study next year. Final option choices will be made in the coming weeks for S2-S5 pupils as follows:

w/b 21st Jan – S2

w/b 28th Jan – S3

w/b 4th Feb – S4

w/b 18th Feb – S5

Pupils will have an individual meeting with their Guidance Teacher or Depute Head Teacher. Pupils should consider the subjects they wish to study prior to the meeting. It would be helpful for pupils to research possible career pathways and to discuss any questions about subjects with subject specialist teachers.

Options booklets and final option forms will be published on the school website once we have considered the data collected during the test run.


Vicky Grove

Depute Head Teacher