All posts by Mrs MILTON

Important Information – English Folio Dates


English Folio submission deadlines are as follows:

National 5 English: Friday 17th March 2017

Higher English: Friday 31st March 2017

AH English Dissertations: Friday 31st March 2017

All pupils must have completed final drafts of essays, copied them onto the template provided by SQA and filled in the cover sheet before the folio is considered completed.

Pupils have been working on their essays since August therefore should be able to meet these deadlines. If there are any issues, pupils should speak to their English teacher as soon as possible.


Tesco Bags of Help

Auchinleck Academy has been shortlisted for the Tesco Bags of Help Initiative. Our Project involves creating a working, learning and active area around the school and will also support the Green Gym project that has been running for the last year.

Bags of Help offers Community Groups and projects across the UK a share of revenue generated from the 5p charge levied on single-use carrier bags. the public will now vote in store from 1st December to 31st December on who should receive the £5,000, £2,000 and £1,000 award.

We would really appreciate the support of all those within our whole school and local community. All you need to do is get down to Tesco and vote for our project. The stores are as follows: Auchinleck, Kilmarnock, Kilmarnock Extra and Galston.


Technical Department – National 5 Prelims

                   Technical Department – National 5 Prelims


The following National 5 prelims will take place week beginning 12th December 2016


1. Graphic Communication – Thursday 15th, periods 1 and 2 (Mr Mullan)


2. Design and Manufacture – Thursday 15th, periods 1 and 2 (Mr Whitehouse)

                                                                                   periods 3 and 4  (Mr Deeney)

all examinations are 1.5hr duration



Last Wednesday saw our seven talented netball players play their first game of the season against Carrick Academy.

The girls started off really well, showing off their skills and determination. Laura Purdie in S4 scoring the first goal of the match.

The girls played their socks off and I was extremely proud of ever single one of them.

Our next game is against Belmont Academy (away) on the 14th December. We wish them luck!


Scholastic Book Club, Last Orders for 2016!

The last Scholastic Book Club of 2016 is now open!

Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards. Magazines and forms are available from the Library or the English Department and you can also click on the link from the Library webpages.

Please place your order online or hand your order form and payment to Miss McGill or your English teacher by lunch time on December 9th, 2016.


Christmas Creative Showcase

The Auchinleck Academy Art and Design department are proud to be holding their 3rd annual Christmas Creative Showcase on Thursday 8th December from 6-8pm. Entry is free to all and will be a fabulous evening to get you in the Christmas mood with an Art exhibition, mini fashion show, music, Hot chocolate, Christmas goodies on sale and much more. Please come and join us for all or part of the evening to celebrate the creative talents of our young people as well as get into the Christmas spirit! Hopefully see you there!




Auchinleck Academy travelled up to Easterhouse in Glasgow on Friday night to take part in the 3rd Scottish Cup group match vs. St Roch’s High School. After a delay of around an hour waiting on a referee and the home team we finally got under way at 4pm. The game was close throughout and being refereed by two of the home teams pupils decisions were always going to be questionable. With 2 minutes remaining Rebecca Morrison stepped up and hit a huge shot to put us into a 27-25 lead and that is how it finished. Our defence was resolute throughout as you can tell by the score but at the other end we need to be more clinical with our finishing, especially against better teams.With 2 wins out of 3 we still have the chance to make it to the next round if we win our final game this Thursday vs Gryffe High School. A special mention to Cairn Flaherty and Leah Goudie for their best perofmances to date, helping to take some of the pressure of Captain Rebecca Morrison.



Young Scot Cards – Upgrades Required

Why do young people need to upgrade their card?

As of the 31st of December 2016, all Young Scot National Entitlement Cards (NEC) which do not contain the CMD2 chip can no longer be used as travel concession cards across Scotland. With a third off bus travel and up to fifty percent off rail travel for all 16-18 year olds, the Young Scot NEC makes travel cheaper for young people helping them to get around Scotland and is an important part of helping young people access opportunities locally and nationally.

The new card has been in circulation since 2014, but this means that many Young Scot Cardholders aged 15+ are without the new card. We are a launching a campaign to encourage all young people aged 15-18 to upgrade their card before the end of the year.

Not every young person needs to upgrade. Young people can tell an old card from a new card easily by looking for a “pink strip” across the date of birth. If there is no pink strip the young person needs to upgrade their card by visiting