Parent Council Constitution


Dear Parent Forum,

I write as Chair of the Parent Council of Auchinleck Academy to inform you of notice that I have proposed an amendment to the constitution to increase the maximum membership.

The response to involvement on the Parent Council this year has found us with more parents who wish to give up their own time for the benefit of the school and the children it serves than the current constitution allows. The school will benefit from the diverse input from the parent forum and allow us to have a greater insight and ability to be heard in the decision making that occurs and impacts on our children.

I am therefore proposing an increase of the maximum allowance of members from 20 members to 32 members. This will allow all those members who have put themselves forward to assist the opportunity to do so. The current constitution is available for reading via the parent council section of the Auchinleck Academy website. I therefore request you submit any objections to such a change no later than 30/11/2014 in writing addressed to myself via the school.

Yours thankfully

Martin Goudie

Auchinleck PC Constitution Final (2)