Bringing the STEM Curriculum to Life: Learning for a Sustainable World programme 2023/24

Image of teacher outdoors, taken from Learning for Sustainability Scotland website.

The ‘Bringing the STEM Curriculum to Life: Learning for a Sustainable World’ programme offers a blended mix of self-led and facilitated online professional learning across a four-module, facilitated online programme. Teachers and early years practitioners are supported to weave together STEM, Learning for Sustainability and DYW-related learning across their practice and the wider life of their learning communities.

Image from Learning for Sustainability Scotland website.

The proposed dates for the 2023/24 programme are:

  • 30th October 2023 – Module 1: Introduction to Learning for Sustainability
  • 13th November 2023 – Module 2: Learning for the 21st century: skills, values, knowledge and agency
  • 27th November 2023 – Module 3: ‘Real-life’ teaching: engaging STEM learners in meaningful, contextualised learning
  • 11th December 2023 – Module 4: Reflection and collaboration: looking to the future

Class-based STEM learning activities can be undertaken in the New Year or at any time through the course. Participants will have until the end of February 2024 to complete the course. 

Sign-up instructions will be posted soon, in the meantime, this flyer provides further information on the programme.

Visit the Learning for Sustainability Scotland website events area to see what other professional learning opportunities are available.

Learning for Sustainability Conference

The second annual Dumfries & Galloway Learning for Sustainability Conference launched recently. The attached Conference Guide includes the link to allow you to access the Conference, which this year is hosted on Thinglink. 

The conference consists of a number of keynote speakers, a workshop/market place section and a setting/school showcase.  D&G launched their new Learning for Sustainability Strategy as part of the conference – details are within the marketplace section.

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