Burns Day Workshops

  • January 17, 2022
  • 208

Celebrate the life and poetry of Robert Burns this January with Scottish poet, performer and storyteller Simon Lamb, winner of the Robert Burns World Federation’s international poetry competition 2021. In this workshop, Simon will bring the epic Tam o’ Shanter to new life in his warm and energetic style, sharing his love of the poem and insights into the origins of the verse. In illuminating the words of Burns, Simon will also reveal how he came to be inspired to write his own modern reimagining of the poem — Mat o’ Shanter — building a bridge from the past to the present and showing how art can sprout from art. With a background in education, Simon aims to rekindle appreciation for one of Scotland’s greatest tales, igniting an interest in Burns and the wider world of poetry.

“Simon Lamb’s workshops are guaranteed to unleash the poet in every child and teacher.” — Angela Noble, Literacy & English Coordinator, North Ayrshire

“Our children were captivated by Simon’s vivid, engaging and entertaining recitation of Tam o’ Shanter. He explained his journey from loathing to loving the poetry of Robert Burns, unpacked the difficult language and   encouraged our students to read Burns’ poems aloud. The children all had a fantastic time.” — St Leonards Junior School, Fife

“Simon had a great dynamic with our students: purposeful and fun. They really enjoyed the visit and are now keener to read and write poetry.” — Auchenharvie Academy, North Ayrshire

“Absolutely luminous! The children hung on to Simon’s every. last. word.” — St Monica’s Primary School, North Lanarkshire

Availability: Monday 17th — Friday 28th January 2022

Workshop Duration: 50min

Target Age Range: P5—P7 & S1—S6

Price: £75 per workshop, per class, with discounts for multiple bookings per school

Contact: simon@simonlambcreative.co.uk

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