SWEIC Christmas Writing Competition

  • November 18, 2021
  • 1073

Christmas Writing Competition

To promote writing and celebrate the great work being created around the SWEIC, we are looking for entries to our writing competition from all CfE levels (Early to Fourth). Alongside prizes for the winners and runners-up in each category, pupils will have their writing shared on the SWEIC blog.

The theme of the competition is ‘The Gift’ and work submitted can be linked to this idea in anyway. You may wish to link it to Christmas, but you might also want to think about the idea of gifts and giving in a different way.

Early Years’ Entries Pupils can share their mark-making or dictated ideas. Entries should be contained within ONE A4 page and may be pictures, photographs or in any other appropriate form.

P1-3 Entries Entries can take any genre form that they choose. The entry must be no longer than ONE SIDE of A4 and can be illustrated. Typed or handwritten entries will be accepted.

P4-7 Entries Entries from this age group should be broadly creative: poetry, prose or drama. They may be up to TWO sides of A4 and can include illustrations if desired.

S1-3 Entries Entries can be made from any genre – including discursive – but must include the word “gift” at least once in this piece. Entries should be typed and no longer than 800 words in length. A title should be included.

Submissions to be sent to: Liz.Candlish@south-ayrshire.gov.uk

Deadline: 3pm on Wednesday the 15st of December 2021

Winners to be announced on Monday the 20th of December

We are delighted to announce that writer, Elaine Burke will be one of the judges on our Christmas Writing Competition.

Elaine Burke is a member of the English faculty at Glasgow Caledonia University. She has a passion for creative writing and has recently travelled to Iceland to attend a writer’s convention. Elaine is delighted to be reading about all the fabulous entries from the SWEIC and see if she can spot our emerging talent!

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