Challenge Poverty Week 2021 – Magic Breakfast

  • October 8, 2021
  • 240

Magic Breakfast are a registered charity who aim to end hunger as a barrier to education through the provision of healthy breakfasts.

Throughout the COVID pandemic Magic Breakfast worked with 38 schools in Scotland, providing approximately 4,100 pupils in Scotland with breakfast every morning.  Schools can submit an application for support .  A Primary School in Scotland qualifies for Magic Breakfast support when at least 55% of pupils are in SIMD Deciles 1 to 4 and/or at least 35% are eligible for FSM. A Secondary School qualifies for support when at least 40% of pupils are in SIMD Deciles 1 to 4.  More information about Magic Breakfast can be found on their website.

Magic Breakfast at St Joseph’s Academy, East Ayrshire

St Joseph Academy’s partnership with Magic Breakfast began in October 2019 as a result of our aim to ensure that no pupil is “too hungry to learn”. With 50% of our pupils living in SIMD 1-3 we wanted to provide a free and healthy breakfast that all pupils could access every day. A healthy breakfast can lead to improved concentration, behaviour, punctuality and attendance in schools.

Our vision was to ensure that our breakfast provision carried no stigma and no pupil was embarrassed to access it. The breakfast portions of bagels, cereal, porridge and fruit juice provided by Magic Breakfast allowed us to cater for the whole school. We used school funding to offer toast as well as cream cheese, butter and milk. A member of our team contacted our local Tesco to inform them of our breakfast provision and as a result they offered us fruit and bottled water twice a month. The choice of food proved popular with our pupils. If there were any leftovers they were placed at the late desk for pupils who were signing in late and most likely had not had time for breakfast. Staff were aware of this and allowed pupils to finish eating by the time they arrived at class.

Location was an important factor for our breakfast. We wanted the serving area to be in a place that all pupils could access easily, eat quickly and dispose of rubbish conveniently. We were keen the breakfast was not in a place that had to be found or that pupils could see targeted pupils accessing an identified area for a free breakfast. I chose ‘The Street’ area within our school which is a large, open space where all pupils go once they have arrived at school and all pupils pass through to get to class. The breakfast trolley was set up in the middle of The Street with toasters to prepare the food and trays to serve the food. Staff wore aprons with our school logo and Magic Breakfast logo so they were easily seen. The use of trays allowed staff to take food directly to pupils who didn’t want to come over to the trolley. The main aim was to encourage pupils to make full use of this free provision which in turn would benefit their learning and break down any possible barriers that may be in place. Staff were also invited to attend and have some breakfast. The purpose of this was to further enhance the positive ethos of our school and allow pupils to see it was a breakfast for everyone.

Magic Breakfast provided us with a start up grant of £500 which we used to purchase a freezer, toasters, serving equipment and aprons. The freezer was essential in allowing us to store bagels, which arrived frozen. We were then able to distribute them evenly until the next delivery. We stored all equipment and food relating to the breakfast together which made it easier for staff to access and set up each morning.

To further raise the profile of our breakfast provision we held a Magic Breakfast launch. We made contacted with Kilmarnock Football Team and Provost. Representatives of Kilmarnock Football Club and the Provost came to prepare and serve breakfast to our pupils.

Pupils have since suggested a name for our breakfast and voted for a breakfast logo during PSE lessons. The name and logo will be revealed at another launch which we plan to hold once COVID regulations allow. This will enable us to introduce this provision to S1/2 pupils who have not yet accessed it in the same way.

During lockdown breakfast items were delivered to targeted pupils homes via Amazon. Feedback from parents and carers was very positive. Since schools have returned pupils have had the option to pick up a bag of breakfast food to take home. Bags are prepared by CARITAs pupils.

For more information on our Magic Breakfast Program at St Joseph’s Academy please contact Monica Marshall on or 01563 526 144.

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