Poverty and the Environment (part 2)

  • October 5, 2021
  • 164

In November 2021, the United Nations COP26 Climate Summit will be taking place in Glasgow. There is hope that the event will result in a truly historic agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions and tackle the climate emergency.

The Scottish Government has identified People and Just Transitions as key themes for the COP26 Summit and has declared that it wants it to be the most inclusive COP summit ever to be held. This includes a strong focus on young people and on engaging disadvantaged and hard-to-reach communities.

So what can we do to hear from all of our learners?

Within Scotland’s curriculum, Learning for Sustainability (LfS) is an entitlement for all learners. The COP26 Summit provides us with a unique opportunity to further embed Learning for Sustainability and climate justice education in the curriculum for all.

So where to start! Take a look at our dedicated space for Countdown to COP:

Countdown to COP26 | Learning resources | National Improvement Hub (education.gov.scot)

This will provide an overview of all resources available to support engaging with all children, young people and communities on this theme.

One of the themes is finance – providing information and challenges exploring the theme of a circular economy.

Upcycling Jeans – Fida

Outdoor learning in our school, community and wider environment has been a big focus in education as we navigate our way through the COVID pandemic.  A number of establishments have shared their outdoor learning and the impact on their pupils and this can be found here

A summary of outdoor learning resources | Learning resources | National Improvement Hub (education.gov.scot)

One of these examples is from East Ayrshire who have used the outdoor environment for a Curriculum Outdoors Attainment Challenge (COACh)– literacy and numeracy project. Curriculum Outdoors Attainment Challenge (COACh) – Literacy and Numeracy | Practice exemplars | National Improvement Hub (education.gov.scot)

If you require any more information on any of the resources highlighted, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the South West STEM Education Officer at education Scotland – Lorraine.ross@educationscotland.gov.scot

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