What’s New?

  • October 1, 2021
  • 397

Each week we profile the latest events from across the SWEIC and highlight upcoming sessions.  In this weeks edition:

Play Pedagogy: Moving Forward programme launches

Play pedagogy has long been identified as a vital and important aspect in any child’s educational journey. We are super excited to get started with this fantastic offer for teachers across the SWEIC.  With almost 200 signed up, we have a great mix of teachers who are adopting a play based learning approach, ranging from those just starting out through to the long established.

The first session is on Thursday 7th with an introduction from Julie Fisher, author of numerous articles on early childhood education as well as several books on the importance of play.

SWEIC Strategic and Seconded Officers for 2021/22 confirmed

Following a recent recruitment exercise, all workstreams now have a Seconded Officer, Workstream Lead and appointed Local Authority representatives.

Find out more…

Get to know your South West Regional Improvement Team

In the South West we are supported by a great team at Education Scotland – use the link below to find out more about them and what they can do to support us.

SWRIT Biographies

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