National Response to Improving Literacy Partnership Board (NRIL)

  • November 2, 2023
  • 293

The National Response to Improving Literacy Partnership Board (NRIL) was established in February 2023. The board is made up of representatives from: each Regional Collaborative; Education Scotland; ADES; Scottish Government; Initial Teacher Education.

The board has prioritised key areas to support national improvements in literacy and is currently forming short-life working groups which board representatives have made recommendations to.  The areas for exploration are:

1)    Re-instating the definition of literacy and our collective understanding of it

2)    Core elements of literacy and developmentally appropriate pedagogies to support

3)    Pedagogical approaches to literacy throughout the learner journey

4)    Supporting learner-centred progression in literacy 

5)    Professional Learning and leadership of literacy

There will be further opportunity to contribute to these discussions/areas over the next 6 months and beyond. If anyone would like to be considered for involvement in the work or would like to recommend someone, please email

* The NRIL work spans all sectors of the 3-18 curriculum.

* Updates and progress on the NRIL work will be made available in the forthcoming months to the South West Regional Improvement Collaborative.

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