UNCRC Professional Learning

  • October 11, 2022
  • 639

Three professional learning inputs around the convention on the rights of the child are now available.

Recognising and realising children’s rights: professional learning opportunities

In conjunction with Education Scotland, we are delighted to offer three professional learning sessions for practitioners and leads in all sectors to develop their understanding of the UNCRC and what this means in terms of policy and practice. These sessions will support all schools on their Rights Respecting Schools journey.

Aims of professional learning:

  • To raise practitioner awareness and understanding of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
  • To link rights-based practice to the Scottish legislation and policy context.
  • To enable the support of rights-based practice across our schools and other organisations.
  • To ensure we fully take the UNCRC into account in all our actions.

Children’s Rights – what? why? how?

17th November 2022, 4 – 5.30 via Microsoft Teams

An awareness raising session, suitable for practitioners and leads in all sectors to develop their understanding of the UNCRC and what this means in terms of policy and practice. Register your interest here.

A Rights Based Approach in Early Years

22nd November 2022, 4 – 5.30 via Microsoft Teams

In conjunction with WOSDEC (West of Scotland Development Education Centre) we are delighted to offer this professional learning session for practitioners across the early years sector to develop their understanding of rights and to raise awareness and understanding of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

This interactive, online session is specifically for early years practitioners and will provide an introduction to the UNCRC, exploring some of the articles and developing our confidence as professionals in the language of Rights.

We’ll look at ways to introduce Rights into early years settings, sharing good practice and highlighting resources that are designed specifically for the early years context. Register your interest here.

Learner Participation in Educational Settings 3-18

6th December 2022, 4 – 5.30 via Microsoft Teams

In this session we will:

  • explore how learner participation is a key aspect of rights based practice,
  • introduce some of the key guidance documents to support learner participation,
  • explore what we mean by learner participation and look at examples of this in practice, and
  • support you to embed and evaluate practice around learner participation.

Register your interest here.

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