What’s New?

  • June 6, 2022
  • 176

Your weekly round up of news and events from across the SWEIC and nationally.

Upcoming Events

Jun, 07 Excellence and Equity – why parental engagement matters
Jun, 08: CALL Scotland – communication is for all with Twinkl
Jun, 15: Scottish Book Trust – an introduction to Reading Schools with Q&A session for the SWEIC

@South-West Connects Launch

Our SWEIC virtual learning campus, @South-West Connects goes live this week, with the first lessons starting Tue 07 Jun at 9am. After last year’s hugely successful first year pilot, this year the offer has extended to 14 subjects, and 19 classes. Over 250 young people from schools across our four local authority areas will join us for Highers and Advanced Highers.

Scottish Learning Festival 2022

Get involved in SLF 2022
Education Scotland will be including more sessions on debating the innovative ideas and big issues in Scottish education and want to fully embrace varying thoughts and opinions.

What themes and speakers would you like to see? Send your ideas to the SLF mailbox.

Building Racial Literacy (BRL) and BRL+

The BRL+ webinars will explore anti-racist clubs, anti-racist critical thinking and curriculum design, and the journey of an anti-racist educator. For those looking for deeper, sustained anti-racist professional learning, applications for the BRL programme are open until 13 June. Find out more.

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