SWEIC Parental Engagement CPL Offer – a second chance to join.

  • April 19, 2022
  • 182

Education Scotland, in partnership with the SWEIC, is offering a series of three twilight webinars on parental engagement for the early learning and childcare sector. Each webinar will encourage participants to develop their thinking and practice between sessions and the series as a whole will support the planning of an improvement project that could be taken forward in the 2022 – 2023 session.

Session 1: 16.00 – 17.00 15 March and 09 May 2022*
Session 2: 16.00 – 17.00 10 May 2022
Session 3: 16.00 – 17.00 07 June 2022

*Given the level of interest when this programme commenced in March a second opportunity to join is being offered. Please note that this session is a repeat of that offered in March and is open to ELC staff who were not able to attend at that time. Participants will join the first cohort for sessions 2 and 3 on 10 May 2022 and 7 June.

Participants are asked to commit to attending all three sessions. As the sessions have a practical focus on planning for improvement participants should have the agreement of their head or manager that they will have the opportunity to support  improvement in parental engagement in their setting next year.

Participants will have access to a professional learning community (PLC) on Microsoft Teams to facilitate peer support and practice sharing. The PLC will remain open for at least the 2022 – 2023 academic year.

The sessions will offer:

  • What we mean by parental engagement, parental involvement and family learning;
  • an overview of the Scottish policy context for parental
  • the evidence-base for parental engagement and family learning
  • evaluating parental engagement
  • introduction to SWEIC ELC parental engagement Teams space; and
  • an opportunity for professional dialogue on areas covered.

Participants are asked to register for this programme here.

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