What’s New?

  • February 28, 2022
  • 192

Your weekly round up of news and events from across the SWEIC and nationally.

@South-West Connects applications open for 2022/23

Applications are now open to study Highers and Advanced Highers through @South-West Connects virtual learning campus in 2022/23.

Visit our dedicated Blog for more information and view our digital prospectus

Literacy Fortnight

This year we are celebrating Literacy Fortnight with a diverse programme of professional learning inputs from across the SWEIC.

Visit the Literacy Fortnight page for more information and a list of events

Scotland Learns

Read the latest update from Education Scotland, including:

Education offering more outdoor learning following pandemic

Our HM Inspectors visited schools and other education settings to evaluate how well outdoor learning is embedded in Scotland’s curriculum and found that staff are employing new and creative ways to engage learners using the outdoors. Their findings are part of a new national thematic inspection report.

Literacy and English – School Libraries PLC

Are you involved in school library provision? The National School Libraries Professional Learning Community provides links to regularly updated professional learning, digital learning resources, national programmes and news posts. A Glow login is required.

Curriculum co-design pack

This pack provides examples of how settings and schools, educators and practitioners have impacted learning by experimenting with co-designing the curriculum. The examples, discussion points and activities are useful for practitioners from early learning and childcare settings, primary and secondary schools.

Features of highly effective digital learning, teaching and assessment in schools

This document outlines the features of high-quality digital learning experiences for all children and young people. It highlights the importance of highly-skilled staff to ensure digital learning is motivating and meaningful.

Read the full update

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