Burns Recital

Last Wednesday, 6th March, Ry, Rubie and Ava G. attended the annual Burns Recital at the Ryan Centre. Ry recited ‘King O the Midden’ by James McGonigal, Ava G. recited ‘Last Nicht’ by Aimee Chalmers and Rubie sang ‘The Skye Boat Song’.

All 3 pupils represented our school wonderfully and spoke with fluency and expression. Rubie placed joint third in her singing category!

Each pupil reached a Walter Wellbeing certificate for displaying their confidence and enthusiasm on stage. We are very proud of all 3 of them.

UNCRC 30 – Children have the right to use their own language and culture

UNCRC 31 – Children have the right to take part in cultural and creative activities

SHANARRI – Achieving, Included

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