Starting our Bronze Rights Respecting School Journey

Mr Webb, Quality Improvement Officer with responsibility for children’s Rights, came along to our school today to discuss children’s rights which are part of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

The boys and girls shared their understanding of children’s rights. There was much discussion on why these rights are so important for children’s wellbeing and welfare.

Mr Webb explained that all adults are duty bearers to make sure our children have full access to the UNCRC Rights.

The assembly activity helps us on our Rights Respecting Schools award journey.

The children were so enthusiastic that they wanted to start action planning straight away. The pupil council will have responsibility as our ‘Rights Respecting Steering Group’. They met today to discuss roles and responsibilities and how best to action plan to begin going for this very important award. You can read the minutes of the meeting here.

UNCRC – Article 29 Aims of Education

SHANARRI – Nurtured & Included

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