Celebrating October’s Creation-Themed Mass

Today, our school community came together to attend a beautiful Mass service centred around the theme of Creation. The service was filled with joy as we sang some of our favourite hymns, including The Butterfly Song and The Colours of Day. The children sang with enthusiasm, filling the church with their lovely voices.

Father Ben shared a heart-warming story about St. Francis of Assisi, who is known not only as the first person to introduce the nativity scene to the church but also as a great lover of animals and the environment. He reminded us of St. Francis’s message to cherish and protect all of God’s creations, encouraging us to be stewards of the natural world around us.

Although we don’t have any photos to share from today’s service, we want to let everyone know that it was a truly special time of reflection and togetherness. The children listened attentively, participated respectfully, and represented our school wonderfully.

A big well done to all our pupils for their excellent behaviour and participation and a special mention to our readers and bidding prayer readers: Ross, Joanna, Ava W, Rubie, Danielle, Gregor, Ry and Maya who were all amazing and spoke clearly and fluently. We look forward to more opportunities to celebrate and reflect together as a school family!

  • This Is Our Faith: Mystery of God and Signs of God
  • UNCRC Rights Covered:
    • Article 12: Right to express their views and participate in religious and cultural activities.
    • Article 14: Right to freedom of thought, belief, and religion.
    • Article 29: Right to an education that develops respect for the environment and others.
    • Article 30: Right to enjoy their own culture and participate in community events.
  • SDG Goals Covered:
    • Goal 4: Quality Education – Learning about cultural and religious values.
    • Goal 15: Life on Land – Emphasizing the protection of the environment and wildlife.
  • SHANARRI Indicators:
    • Included: Participating in a community Mass together.
    • Respected: Learning to respect religious and cultural stories and practices.
    • Nurtured: Feeling a sense of care and community during the service.
    • Responsible: Understanding the responsibility to protect creation.
  • Meta-skills Used:
    • Communicating: Singing hymns and listening attentively to the story.
    • Sense-making: Reflecting on the story of St. Francis and its message.
    • Feeling: Connecting emotionally to the themes of creation and stewardship.
    • Integrity: Demonstrating respect and good behaviour during the service.
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