Celebrating Rights, Charity, and Community at Our Whole School Assembly!

This week, our whole school – from Primaries 1 to 7 – came together for a special assembly centred around an important right: Article 26 of the UNCRC – the right to social and economic help. We discussed when families might need support from the government to ensure children’s mental and physical needs are met and why this right is so vital for every child.

We also explored SDG Goal 1 – Zero Poverty and learned about the United Nations’ goal to reduce poverty by 50% by 2030. The children shared thoughtful insights on how we can work towards this goal, both locally and globally.

To celebrate International Charity Day, we talked about the importance of charity and giving. Pupils then broke into groups to discuss what charity means and how we can all take part. They also researched key Catholic charities like MISSIO, SCIAF, Aid to the Church in Need, and Little Sisters of the Poor, discovering the amazing work these organisations do to help those in need.

It was wonderful to see children from all age groups working together so enthusiastically, using important meta-skills like collaboration, communication, leadership, and curiosity!

Below are some photos capturing these special moments, showing our pupils deeply engaged in learning about the power of charity, compassion, and community spirit.

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