Successful Sports Day

What a successful sports day we had yesterday!

Despite the weather being up and down this last wee while, we managed to catch a break. The temperature was just right for an afternoon of sporting fun in the fresh air.

There were cheers and hoots galore from our family and friends audience as our eager participants took to each competitive challenge with a smile and good sportsmanship.

The order of the day was as follows:

1. Sprint

2. Skipping

3. Bean Bag Balance

4. Egg & spoon

5. Sack

6. Throw

7. Tyre Roll

8. House relays to finish.

9. Parents races

Staff and volunteers were on hand to keep things ticking over smoothly and are busy totting up the scores to find out the winning house team for the day.  Although, we can agree that everyone were winners with their great attitudes, positive spirit and camaraderie.

Thank you to our lovely family community who turned out in force to encourage and support the boys and girls.

UNCRC Rights of the Child – Article 31:  Rest, Play, Culture & Arts

Sustainable Development Goal 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing

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