Rights and Music Family Assembly

Today, we celebrated children’s rights in a family information sharing assembly. The boys and girls have been working very hard to learn about rights, through rights and for rights as part of our application to achieve our Rights Respecting Schools Silver Award.

The children delivered a presentation that they created themselves; sharing the work they have been doing on rights. They talked about all the different ways their rights are respected in school. They then all sang a song titled ‘We’ve All Got Rights‘.

Ms. Whorlow explained a little about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Rights Respecting School Award process. Families were then invited to look at examples of work the children have produced. There was a ‘tweet for a treat’ station where the aim was to spot as many rights as possible in a picture scene to earn a sweet. This station, understandably proved very popular.

There was a short refreshment break before our P1 – 4 performed beautiful Scots songs and stories with their own musical accompaniment. Feis Rois has been delivering musical workshops to the children for the past 12 weeks.

It was great to see such a positive turn out from our families. Thank you for coming along to support the boys and girls and thank you to our willing helpers serving teas and coffees, and a cake or two.

We have fingers crossed for our accreditation visit!

UNCRC Rights of the Child:

12- Respect for children’s views

13 – Sharing thoughts freely

17 – Access to information

31 – Culture and Arts

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