Titanic Choice Afternoon

This afternoon P5-7 were given the choice of what they wanted to do relating to Titanic. The choices were to draw the Titanic either in cartoon form, pencil sketching or in any other way; making the Titanic out of a choice of materials; researching the Titanic and producing a PowerPoint on it. The children got stuck in and absolutely loved getting to choose what they wanted to do. We had giant Titanics out of cardboard and smaller detailed models out of cardboard or cubes; a model of a cabin; lots of amazing sketches and some fantastic PowerPoints which the children will present to the class. The childrens’ imaginations were amazing and it was lovely to see what they produced. They were using many metaskills, particularly initiative, communicating, collaborating, curiosity, creativity and critical thinking. Have a look at some of fantastic work they have begun.

  • UNCRC 13 – Children have the right to share freely with others what they learn, think and feel in any way that they choose
  • SHANARRI – Achieve, Responsible
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