Outdoor Learning – World Earth Day

Last week we went out to explore our senses for our science lesson. 

The children used their senses to detect information. We used our sight hearing, smell and touch to explore areas in our school grounds.  The children could talk about how our senses keep us safe.   “touch helps us know which plants are nettles.”  “This plant is spikey.” “This bark feels rough.” “I can hear the wind blowing the branches.” After using our senses we investigated limitations with our senses by covering our eyes and moving around listening to instructions from a partner. 

Today the children went on a learning walk to look at the different landscapes.  We have been learning about different farming from livestock to arable.  The children observed landscapes a far where they could see farm animals in distant fields, to the lower fields where crops grow better for arable farming. 

Our walk took us to the industrial estate where places sell farming equipment such as tractors and different machinery. We also discussed the Cheese factory and the children talked about milk coming from the cows which then comes to the factory to make cheese. 

We will continue to explore farming and how food comes from the farm to our supermarkets and to our plates.  Our next step is to enquire if we can go and have a tour around the Cheese Factory.  We will continue to have lots of exciting new learning experiences during our Farming Topic.

  • UNCRC 13 – share thoughts freely
  • UNCRC 28 – rights to education
  • SDG 3 – good health and well-being  
  • SDG 15 – life on land
  • SHANARRI – Achieving, Safe, Active
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