We’ll Be Vikings Forever As One!

What an amazing day P5-7 had at Sheuchan on Monday with the musicians and performers from the Scottish Opera.

The underlying theme of the performance was to protect our planet and St. Joseph’s P5-7 played the villagers, who helped the other characters in the opera to realise that we need to respect our environment.

The children learned the songs and actions in class and came together with Sheuchan P5-7, who had also been practising, to add the final touches before performing two shows back-to-back! Firstly, they performed for Sheuchan primaries 1-4 and then to a full house of parents/carers from both schools!

Thank you so much to everyone who attended and supported the children and thank you to Creative Scotland/Youth Music Initiative for funding this fantastic project. The children absolutely loved it!

  • UNCRC 5 – Children have the right for their families and communities to guide them in activities
  • UNCRC 29 – Children’s education should help them develop their personalities, talents and abilities and help them to protect their environment
  • UNCRC 31 – Children have the right to play and take part in cultural and creative activities
  • SHANARRI – Active, Achieving, Respected, Inclusive
  • Sustainable Development Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Sustainable Development Goal 17 – Partnerships
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