Whole School


In hockey we were hitting the ball with a bat and someone on the grass would run to get the ball and then they would give it to the teacher so the next person could get a go to hit it. – Lilah

The P1’s were seeing what could twist, push and pull from stuff in the classroom. We sorted them into groups. – Finley

We were doing our topic ‘Forces’, when we had an open afternoon where our parents came in to see what we’ve been doing. At the time we were making helicopter blades and frogs. – Arleigh

I showed my mum my frog and around the classroom. – Rosa

We were doing hockey. I was holding a hockey stick and moving the ball with it. We were playing that the ball was a dog and we were taking it on a walk with it’s lead. – Millie


I went to a competition for swimming called ‘Dip and Dash’ for 8-11 year olds. I got 3 silvers, a bronze and a 4th place at it! – Aria

We were doing cricket. We were throwing the ball and trying to knock the bigger ball off a cone. We were also batting the ball to the next person. I am enjoying doing cricket. – Aurelia

We were practicing bowling the ball. We were also batting the ball. I think cricket is very good. – Ollie

On Monday The P5-7’s went to Shawhead to do some ICT with ‘Spike’. Spike is when you get a box of Lego pieces and you link the electronic pieces to the computer. The first one we made was a Fastlane ticket machine. It was quite challenging! – Sophie

We worked in groups to make these. We got the ticket machine to change colour when you held a coloured ticket in front of it. It was very fun because we got to play with Lego. – Aria

We went to Shawhead again on Tuesday and did some art. We were working on drawing with black pens with patterns. It was a web design because of the book we’re reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’. We had to make different patterns inside of the spiders web. – Sophie

I drew circles and zig zags, I also did some waves. I enjoyed doing this. – Gracie


We have started a lunchtime cricket club. We started with some throwing and catching practice. We also played a game where we were in teams and we had to throw the ball up and clap once and then throw the ball up again and just keep repeating that until all the balls were gone. Then you ran to the cone and threw the ball at the stump. – Leo & Indie

I liked it because I also do cricket at my Nanas. – Indie

My favourite thing was bowling the ball. – Leo

With our topic Forces, we were told we could make ramps to slide a toy car down. The experiment was that we could change one thing each time but it had to be the same thing. You could change the height, length and surface of the ramp. My group changed the height to be taller each time. When it was steeper, the car didn’t go as far! – Aria

My group used a fire truck and a car. The fire truck didn’t go very far but the car went to the end of the classroom! – Finley

I drew a rock pool at home and brought it in to show everyone. I drew this because in my Bug Club book it said I had to draw the most colourful rock pool ever. I think I did a good job! – Aurelia

The P1-3’s planted daffodil bulbs in the wild garden. I found it quite tricky to dig because I was using a trowel but I got there in the end! They should start appearing in Spring! – Arleigh

I dug a little deep hole and then I put in the bulb. I then put the mud back on top of it. I am excited to see them grow. – Ollie


I went to an awards ceremony for swimming and I got awarded the fastest time for ‘girls aged 9 and under 50 metre butterfly’! I was very shocked but excited! – Aria

Most of the class have finished their moth pictures now. I think they look very good! I also got artist of the week! – Amelia

A hockey coach came in to teach us some hockey skills. We learned all the safety rules with our sticks. We were practising moving the ball with our stick between the cones and we were practising passing it to our team mates. We also played some games. – Indie

26.8.24 – 30.8.24

We are back, we hope you all had a nice holiday! I am now a Primary 7 and I’m excited to be the oldest! – Sophie

We have had 4 Primary 1’s start this week. They are all very kind and I am excited for the year with them! – Sophie

This week we played a game with lady bird spots. We matched them to the number. – Millie

We made our names out of Play-Doh. – Rosa

We caught some moths in a pot but also let them go away. – Finley

We have played ‘Snakes and Ladders’ altogether and I found it fun! – Lilah

Our new topic is Forces. The forces are push and pull. We played a game where there were pictures on a mat and whatever one you landed on you had to say if you pushed it or pulled it. – Aria

We then made ramps, we used boxes, books and cardboard to make them. We put a toy car on top of the ramp and let it roll down and seen how far it went with the force. – Gracie

Our topic last year was Living Things. We had Mr. Haddow come in to do some moth trapping. We first set up the moth traps, which had egg boxes and little cones in them. Then we put the panel with the glass top on it so the rain couldn’t get in. The moths would hit the panel and fall in and sleep in the egg boxes. We set one up in the playground and one at the loch. – Arleigh

The next morning we checked them and found loads of moths! There was a giant one! We also saw 3 beetles and a tiny ladybird that was yellow and had 10 spots! I had fun looking at all the different moths! – Indie

We then took them inside and drew a picture of them, we used paint and oil pastels to colour them in. We got all the different details with a magnifying glass. – Arleigh & Indie