Our Weekly News – Friday 6th March

Our Weekly News – Friday 6th March
Primary 1
As part of World Book Day, we made badges to along with our favourite books.
We brought in our favourite books and designed new front covers for them.
Lucy said, “I love reading books with mummy.”
Anya said, “Tabby McTat is my favourite book.”
Primary 2
The boys and girls in P2 enjoyed lots of fun activities for ‘Book Week’.
A real love and enjoyment of books was felt by all.
“I loved bedtime stories.” Chris
“We went to find books at the library.” Elspeth
“‘The Dinosaur That Pooped A Planet’ was funny and cool.” Ethan
Primary 2/3
As part of our World Book Day activities, we designed new front covers for our favourite books.
Primary 5
In maths we have been playing rounding games.
In our ukulele lessons, we have learnt a new song called ‘The Banana Song’.
We have finished off a section of Yoga which focused on stretching.
Keir – “The maths games were good fun.”
Ksawier – “The new song in the ukulele lesson was funny.”
Grace – “Yoga is really fun but hard work.”
Primary 6
On Monday we welcomed Jackie from the NHS who spoke to us about the dangers and effects of smoking.
On Thursday it was World Book Day. We held our own ‘World Cup of Books’ where we decided on which book we would most like to read out of 32 stories. We decided on ‘Bubble Boy’ by Stewart Foster. Now we have lots of new book ideas!
Four of our primary 6’s went to the Academy for the Cluster K’Nex competition. Their challenge was to design a flying machine. Although they did not win, they enjoyed pitting their skills against other primary 6’s
Euan said, “This week I learned how to write an autobiography entry about my best school memory.”
Archie said, “I learned that there are about 7000 different chemical in one cigarette!”
Murray said, “When the NHS came in to talk about smoking, I learned that cigarettes have rat poison in them!”
Primary 7
We have been finding out how harmful smoking is for your health. Jackie from ‘Quit Your Way’ came in to talk to us.
We have been learning about the difference between primary and secondary sources. We compared primary and secondary sources about Dunkirk.
Justin – “I was surprised about how many chemicals are in a cigarette, including arsenic, tar, carbon monoxide and cyanide.”
Sophie – “Primary sources are from someone who was there. Secondary sources are written using information from primary sources.”
Carly – “My favourite thing was seeing how to make your own burger.”
On Friday, P5/6, P6 and P7 travelled to Wallets Mart in Castle Douglas for a day of learning about farming and food. We learned about dairy, meat, deer, sheep and lots of other things! This was organised by Galloway Glens and RHET. We had a great time, as you can see by the pictures!

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