Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

June 9, 2017
by Mrs Baillie

Science fun outdoors

Over the course of the term Primary 1 and 2  have been learning about Earth Science and chemical reactions. Our young learners decided we should trial our experiment before we conduct the BIG EXPLOSION of our own paper mache volcanos later this term. We listed the equipment needed, wrote up our methods, and predicted what would happen when bicarbonate soda is mixed with vinegar and detergent. Our predictions were CORRECT! Albeit less of an EXPLOSION and more like a slow bubble.

Oh well, back to the drawing board……….

May 31, 2017
by Mrs Baillie

Miss Parrott’s last day

Today was the very last day of teaching for Miss Parrott at Kirkcolm Primary.  And, as one final surprise a  former pupil of hers, Heather Nicol came into school to play her out on the bagpipes.  Amongst the selection Heather played, was the favourite of Miss Parrot “The lion sleeps tonight”, and the “Hokey cokey”!  The whole school and some parents came along to join in the fun.

Everyone at Kirkcolm Primary would like to wish Miss Parrott all the very best as she moves onto pastures new.

May 31, 2017
by Mrs Baillie

Davey represents the school at Primary golf competition

Davey headed off to New Galloway Golf Club last Thursday, accompanied by his dad, to represent Kirkcolm Primary at the Regional Primary Schools’ Golf Competition. He enjoyed a day of glorious sunshine on a stunning golf course.  He played to 5 under his handicap with a net score of 22 over nine holes with excellent comments from the accompanying coach regarding his fairway approach shots and putting.  Davey finished just outside of the prizes, and had a great day of golf.  He demonstrated just what a responsible citizen he is by taking part and being a good ambassador for our school.  Well done!

May 25, 2017
by Mrs Baillie

P6/7 French Cafe

Primary 6 and 7 have been busy combining their learning and teaching in Health and wellbeing with French.  The children were preparing some healthy snacks in school, before serving them using their conversational French skills.

May 25, 2017
by Mrs Baillie

Operation Safety

Mrs Maxwell took Primary 6 to Stair Park where they participated in a range of activities organised by the emergency services, as part of “Operation Safety”.  They had input from the Fire Brigade, Police, Ambulance service, Coastguard and Scottish Power, to name only a few.

Look at the pictures to see what they got up to!   

May 22, 2017
by Mrs Baillie

Kirkcolm Primary Mini walk

On Saturday the 20th May 2017 , 49 Kirkcolm Primary School children took part in the 48th annual sponsored school mini walk of 7 miles. This year it was organised by the parent council fundraising team.  It is hoped they will have raised enough money to cover their school outing in June to the Galloway Activity Centre.

P1-P3’s left the school at 9am with the P4-7’s in hot pursuit at 9.10am.  It took  2 hrs and 36 minutes  for all the children to complete the 7 miles.   The fastest boy, breaking the school record,  was Robin McAuley, completing it in 52mins and 28 seconds.  Well done Robin

The fastest girl was Michaela Lyon who completed it in 1 hour, 10 mins and 03 seconds.  Well done Michaela!

The results were

1st boy Robin McAuley (P5) 52.28
2nd boy Craig Agnew (P7) 54.00
3rd boy Robbie Agnew (P7) 55.10
1st girl Michaela Lyon (P5) 1.10.03
2nd girl Katie Butler (P6) 1.14.04
3rd girl Arla McCulloch (P3) 1.18.00
The school parents really pulled together and had 6 check points lining the route with refreshments available for the walkers.  They had volunteers marshalling road junctions on the route. Special thanks goes to Alison Murray, our Active schools co-ordinator and PC Nicola Wilson and her 3 police youth volunteers who came to help us on the day.
The 7 mile route took walkers into the village, up the huge hill past the church and out to Ervie.   The route then took the children in a loop past the old school at Mahaar and back into the village and to the school.  Families and volunteers enjoyed a much needed lunch together,  donated by the parents at the school to complete the event.
Many thanks to everyone who helped on the day and a huge well done to all the children for completing the 7 miles!

May 18, 2017
by Mrs Baillie

Take away lunch

Today the whole school enjoyed outdoor learning day with their lunch outdoors. 

A take away lunch was enjoyed, with ice lollies kindly provided for after by Ann Marie.  What fun they had on their picnic lunch!

May 18, 2017
by Mrs Baillie

P3,4 and 5 take their Science outdoors

Miss Parrott and her class took their science learning and teaching today outside. 

In  glorious sunshine the children learned a lot more about the changes of states.  It is maybe just as well they were outside for this experimental work as it did get a bit messy – and in fact you will see from the photographs there was also a change in state of some of their school uniforms!

May 9, 2017
by Mrs Baillie

P1,2 Take their RME learning outdoors

 Primary 1 and 2  have been learning about the story of Moses for Religious and Moral Education (Judaism). We paired up and wrote our 3 favourite parts of the story, then had a game of charades where we had to act out the three scenes and the class had to guess what part of the story was being told.

It was a lot of fun!

May 4, 2017
by Mrs Baillie

Primary 1,2 outdoor maths

Primary 1 and 2 have been taking advantage of the sunshine this week to take their maths learning outdoors.  As part of their work on time, Miss Easton had the boys and girls consolidating their learning and getting some exercise while they played a clock face based game.

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