Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

March 6, 2018
by Mrs McHarg

Netball Winter League

A huge well done to our Kirkcolm Netball team who participated in the Primary School Winter League which has been running since November. The team worked exceptionally hard and have all developed their skills and demonstrated exemplary sportsmanship. They have done Kirkcolm School proud!!

(Missing from the photo is Iona Wallace).

March 2, 2018
by Mrs Maxwell

Playground Excitement by P6/7

Our School Playground

Throughout the school, news has been spreading vigorously and we are excited to announce that Kirkcolm School is getting…

A fabulous new playground!!

As you should all know by now, we took part in a Tesco’s competition called ‘Bags for Life.’ People would vote for either us (Kirkcolm School) or, the two other participants. By using blue counters. To our surprise we came first and won £10,000, so, we used the money to buy a brand new playground, which began instillation on Monday the 26th of February 2018.

We have been so excited about the new playground that we have asked fellow pupils what they hope and expect of what it will look like.                                                                                                                               “I really, really want a slide and roundabout!”   No! I want a sandpit, racing track and monkey bars!” from  p.1/2 pupils.

We have been waiting for this playground for over 2 years now. So we are over the moon about it. So are other pupils this is what they said.                                                                                                                             “I would like an obstacle course and a giant spider web!”

“So would I, but I would also like an underground maze that attaches to a slide” says P.5 pupils.

We are so looking forward to playing on our playground so we sent Robin McAuley, Finlay Nelson, Sophie Wilson and Katie Butler to take photos of the equipment. Thank you to Tesco’s and everyone who voted for us during the Bags for Life competition. Thank you to Mrs D who entered us into the competition, thank you to our competitors. Thank you to the council, who are helping to install our playground and lastly thank you to the builders, Sovereign Play for building our playground for us which we can’t wait to play on!

Work in progress!


Finlay, Robin, Katie and Sophie

February 28, 2018
by Mrs Maxwell

Fabulous Fun on the new Playground Equipment

The children got very excited on Monday when the new playground equipment arrived on site for installation.  A grant of £10,000 from Tesco “Bags for life” and some money from other sources, has been used to liven up our playground into a wonderful place to play.  Kirkcolm school would like to thank all of the work for many years in the planning and application stages of this project, to where we are at now.  Many thanks to the previous and current Chair of the Parent Council, Mrs J Stanistreet and Mrs J Drummond for leading the project for us. 


We just need to be patient and wait until next week until all the foundations have set and the equipment is set before all the fun can begin!  Hopefully next week we will get the green light and have an opening ceremony to celebrate phase one of the playground development.  A four way ball shooter and space play net tower is still to be installed.  And, we will also have further grounds development from the council in the area surrounding the new equipment.  We hope this work will be complete in the Summer. Watch this space! 


February 23, 2018
by Mrs Maxwell

Chinese Language and Culture

Scottish Opera – Dragon of the Western Seas

The children in p6/7 were engaged in a really interesting afternoon in the company of Dr Meryl James from Scotland’s National Centre for Languages.

This was to prepare the children for an upcoming production led by Scottish Opera called “Dragon of the Western Seas”.  Our children will learn lots of songs and be able to dramatise this fantastic production.

Dr James led the class through a presentation of Chinese culture and some words in Mandarin that the children could use in conversation e.g. ni hoa – hello and ni hoa ma – hello, how are you?  P6/7 were very keen to try this.  Dr James was in turn very impressed with their efforts.

#Successful learners

February 23, 2018
by Mrs Maxwell

P1 – 3 Carrot Soup

P1-3 have been very busy chopping vegetables with help from Mrs Wither and Mrs McPherson.  This involved developing skills and knowledge  in maths and health and wellbeing.  They class really enjoyed eating their soup later!

# successful learners

February 21, 2018
by Mrs Maxwell

Road Safety with the Baldy Bane Theatre Company

Kirkcolm p 6 & 7 visited Portpatrick primary school to take part in a road safety workshop. The themes in the workshop covered safe places to play, riding bikes wearing a helmet and crossing the road safely with the lollipop person.

The Baldybane theatre group presented a series of tableaux role plays focused on risk at an age appropriate level.  The children were involved in the sessions through discussion, questioning and ‘director’ participation to lead the action.  The pupils were encouraged to give suggestions and advice on how to keep ourselves safe on the busy roads that they encounter now and in the future when the transition to the Academy.  The session provided thought provoking material.

#Responsible Citizens


February 16, 2018
by Mrs McHarg

Curling’s Cool

Primary 7 pupils headed to the North West Castle this morning to participate in the Curling’s Cool taster session along with Leswalt, Portpatrick and Park P7s. They worked hard to learn how to deliver the stone and sweep it towards the target (and walk on the ice without slipping and sliding!!).

They arrived back at school very enthusiastic and keen to join the Curling’s Cool Club – we could have the next Eve Muirhead in our midst! Have a peek at the photos to see what a fun morning they had.

February 16, 2018
by Mrs Maxwell

Sporting Fixtures at Kirkcolm

Innes and Guy are going to play in a Rugby tournament  for Wigtownshire Minis at Moffat this Sunday.  We are looking forward to hearing the results of this.  Keep an eye out in the Six Nations for future stars!!

Robin and Cody are going down to Annandale football club on Saturday to play.  Again we hope there is a huge score from the Lochryan Boys Club, Good Luck boys!

Congratulations to our three Solway League swimmers who swam in the Newton Stewart and Ryan Centre pools to compete against the Merrick Mavericks and the Dumfries Dolphins.  On both occasions Logan, Davey and Finlay were successful in beating their opponents.  The boys are looking forward to timing their laps to swim at competitive levels.

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