Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

March 28, 2018
by Mrs Maxwell

Ballet Bliss for Alba

Congratulations to Alba White for achieving her green certificate in ballet.  Alba was very excited to bring her certificates to show us her brilliant, ballet achievements, well deserved Alba!

March 28, 2018
by Mrs Maxwell

Keeping Kirkcolm Beautiful

All children got equipped for the big beach clean today at Kirkcolm Primary.  As part of their drive to earn an Eco Schools green flag this year, the children pulled on their wellies and headed to the beach, litter picking on the way.  Working hard in the sunshine the children collected lots of rubbish that may have been dangerous to walkers and animals alike. We would like to say a big thank you to Kirkcolm Community Council who came in their official capacity, Susan Irons, to lend a hand –  as well as their litter pickers.  A big thanks, also to Liam Bailey as parent volunteer.  Please enjoy looking at the photos of our very hard work.

March 26, 2018
by Mrs Baillie

More Stronord photographs

Hopefully the boys and girls will be sleeping soon!  They enjoyed a fabulous hill walk in the sun shine today, followed by a hot meal, then out to play on the park and some football and rounders fun.


March 26, 2018
by Mrs Baillie


Primary 5-7  have arrived safely, in the sunshine at Stronord. 

After unpacking their bags, they have climbed Larg Hill.  They have been so fortunate with the weather today – will it be the same tomorrow?

Look at the happy faces so far……..


March 23, 2018
by Mrs Maxwell

The Last Monster in Scotland

For the last few weeks the Kirkcolm pupils have been putting together a play called The Last Monster In Scotland. All of the children participated in the amazing production to make this fabulous concert happen. We would like to thank Becky Richardson for  life like face painting and bringing in the tent for the show, we would like to thank Mrs. MacPherson for helping out with the costumes and Nessie. We have to give a big thank you to the audience for coming and of course the children for giving up there time to make sure the performance was as good as it could be. Please take time to look through the photo gallery that we put together of the photos on the night. The children all had a wonderful time watching the show form and their characters come to life.

By Sophie and Davey P.7

March 22, 2018
by Mrs McHarg

Eggy Challenge

Well done to all pupils who participated in the House Captains’ Eggy Challenge this week – an ‘egg-cellent’ effort from all!! P1-3 pupils were tasked with designing an egg and P4-7 pupils were given the challenge of designing an egg, creating a safe home for it and looking after it for 2 whole days (to encourage responsibility!). And look after their eggs they did – we had pupils taking their eggs out to break time, to the dinner hall, and even to the bathroom!!
The House Captains and Vice-Captains had the very difficult decision of judging the winners, who are:
1st place – Alexander MacPherson
2nd place – James Turtle
1st place – Ivy Richardson
2nd place – Mackenzie Adams
Thank-you to the House Captains and Vice-Captains who organised the competition – we’re excited for next term’s House event already! And special mention to Ellie who purchased 1st place rosettes for the winners. Have a peek at the pictures to see the creative efforts of Kirkcolm pupils.

March 17, 2018
by Mrs Maxwell

Sharing learning in Science,Technology,Engineering and Mathematics

As part of the national British Science Week’s (B.S.W.) celebration of science, Kirkcolm Primary got their enquiring minds in gear by participating in an open afternoon.  Friends and family attended to help the children engage with a range of activities and experiments covering aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (S.T.E.M.)

Prior to the event, the school successfully submitted a bid for funding to purchase resources with which to promote the learning and teaching of S.T.E.M.  As a result of this, the boys and girls thought it was a good idea to get the whole community involved in sharing our exploration of the world around us.

Kirkcolm children enjoyed participating in fun games and challenges in S.T.E.M subjects on Friday afternoon.  Thank you to everyone who came along to share the learning experiences in each class like: Poo from the Past, Eggy challenge, Lego Wedo and K’nex. The children took additional fun activities to try at home, so please send in your  photos…


March 15, 2018
by Mrs McHarg

Holiday Easter Egg Hunt

Please see the photo below regarding the Kirkcolm Church and Community Council Easter Egg Hunt. Pop along to Kirkcolm Village Hall on Monday 2nd April to participate – all welcome!!

March 9, 2018
by Mrs Maxwell

Inter-School Burn’s Competition

Abbie and Ellie confidently represented our school in the Stranraer and District Burn’s Inter-Schools recital competition.  The competition was of a very high standard in each class and both girls can be very proud of their achievements.  Congratulations!

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