Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

March 14, 2019
by Mrs McHarg

Safer Internet Day Winner

Well done to Phoebe who was chosen as the winner of our Digital Leader’s Safer Internet Day poster competition. Phoebe’s poster was all about Smartie the Penguin, who teaches pupils through a rhyme to tell someone if they are upset or worried about something they see online.

What great effort – well done again Phoebe!

March 12, 2019
by Mrs McHarg

Sporting Success in Netball

Congratulations to our netball team, who came an amazing 3rd out of 11 teams in the Winter league at the Ryan Centre. Well done to you all for showing such good sportsmanship and doing our school proud!

A huge thank-you must go to Jemima Johnstone, who has been coaching the team.

March 7, 2019
by Mrs Baillie

Burn’s club competition champions!

Very well done to Mackenzie, Ruth, Olivia and Ivy who represented the school at the Burns club completion last night. All of our pupils were fabulous. 

Mackenzie and Ruth said their poems with clarity, and expression, and entertained the audience. 

Olivia and Ivy sang beautifully and won both of the singing classes!   Then, Ivy was awarded a trophy for the best singing performance of the evening – amazing!

Many thanks must go to Marie Turtle who accompanied both of the girls by playing the piano.

#Confident individuals

March 1, 2019
by User deactivated

History Alive at Kirkcolm Primary

Kikcolm Primary had yet another fantastic visit from Kathryn Purchase today. P1-4 were delighted to welcome Kathryn and her box(es) of goodies into our classroom. As the doors flung open the children were transported back in time. Pupils spent the morning learning and experiencing what life was like 5000 years ago and even had the chance to see what it would be like as a real Egyptologist. Kathryn started her day with an informative and exciting talk explaining the social hierarchy of Egypt and discussing the lifestyles of everyone from slaves and farmers to the almighty Pharaohs. The talk discussed some of the weird and wonderful buildings created by Egyptians, from the ‘Pyramids of Giza’ to the ‘Bent Pyramid’ and explored the many different ways in which tombs have been designed throughout the ages.

After the talk the children were given the opportunity to participate in some hands-on history activities. On offer was a range of artefacts, ornaments, pictures and books for the children to examine and explore as well as some papyrus paper for the children to try their hand at drawing some hieroglyphics. Children were also given the chance to dress up in Egyptian costumes and have their photo taken against an Egyptian backdrop. One of the favourite activities of the morning was most certainly the ‘archaeological dig’. Pupils loved digging for the clay artefacts in the sandbox before carefully brushing off the sand to reveal their findings. The morning was rounded off with a thought provoking question and answer session. I guess we will never know if the Egyptians had some help from aliens, but that meteorite tool found in Tutankhamun’s tomb sure had us all asking some deep questions.

We can’t thank Kathryn enough for yet another brilliant visit. The boys and girls in P1-4 had an amazing day and we all look forward to welcoming her back soon.

Below are some photos from the day…

March 1, 2019
by User deactivated

Partnership Science Week

On Friday morning the pupils in P4-7 at Kirkcolm Primary left school at 9:30. After a quick stop to pick up our buddies from Leswalt we headed over to Portpatrick Primary for a fun packed trio partnership Science morning. Pupils and family in our  P4 – 7 classes from Kirkcolm, Leswalt and Portpatrick came togetherto participate in a wide range of STEM based activities (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) as part of British Science Week.

The showpiece of the event was a mobile planetarium provided by the Galloway Forest Astronomical Society, organised by Mrs Ferguson (Leswalt).  Mr Antony Berrett, Dr Douglas Snell, Mr Hunter McCall and Mr Brian Rice, gave up their time voluntarily to bring a night sky experience to the children.  We were taken on a journey through the planets and moons of our Milky Way, learning fascinating facts on our travels. This resource has been kindly funded by the Kilgallioch Community Fund and is being made available to schools within our region.

The planetarium will be part of the attractions on offer to all ages on Saturday 9th March during the weekend programme for the Wigtown Big Bang Weekend event. (11-4pm, £5 per entry)

When not in the planetarium, the pupils were given a carousel of hands-on challenges to select from; ranging from electrical circuits to tower construction and from pin the organ on the body to parachute making.  For example, they had to design an electrical circuit that would sound an alarm in the event of a flood.  Our little engineers didn’t let us down and were up to the challenges of all the problems presented to them.

There was even an opportunity for social time during break, which the children made full use of. Pupils loved having the opportunity to join back up with all their Lockerbie manor buddies. Finally pupils thanked everyone for the wonderful experience and bid them and their friends a farewell to return back to Kirkcolm for a late lunch and a run in the sun.  A Fantastic Friday had by all


February 26, 2019
by Mrs McHarg

The Big Battery Hunt is on!

Today at assembly, all pupils received a small cardboard battery box as part of the Big Battery Hunt. This is a recycling scheme which we have signed up to as part of our Eco Schools work. Pupils should fill the boxes at home with used batteries, before bringing them into school and emptying them into the large plastic containers in the foyer. These will then be sent away to be recycled.

Please pass on the message that your batteries can be recycled at Kirkcolm School! Thank-you in advance for your support in this initiative.

February 18, 2019
by Mrs McHarg

North Rhins Adventure to Lockerbie Manor

Primary 5-7 pupils from Leswalt, Kirkcolm and Portpatrick Primary Schools headed to Lockerbie Manor on Wednesday for a 3-day outdoor residential trip.

After stopping at Springholm Primary for some lunch and to stretch our legs, we reached Lockerbie Manor early in the afternoon. Everyone was given a tour of the building and grounds by the instructors and got shown to their rooms. After a quickly unpacking, we split into 4 groups and headed to our first activity. Activities included archery, rifle shooting, obstacle course, climbing wall, abseiling, orienteering, fencing, canoeing and kayaking. After activity one, some pupils required a shower as they were caked in mud after army-crawling on their bellies underneath netting! By this time we had worked up quite an appetite, and were served with the most delicious dinner – what a selection on offer! At night time, we had an evening activity before getting all cosy in our jammies and spending time getting to know pupils from the other partnership schools.

Day 2 saw an early morning wake-up call at 7.20am. We had 5 activities spread out over the day, with some pupils getting an early afternoon bath after falling into the lake whilst kayaking! That night, having been exhausted from all the physical activity, pupils were sound asleep before 11pm – much to the staff’s delight!!

On Friday morning, we were up early to get our rooms packed and emptied. Some rooms looked like a bomb had hit them, there were clothes everywhere! We then headed out for our final 2 activities before the bus arrived at 1.30pm to return us to Stranraer. It was a very quiet journey back, with lots of pupils catching some shut-eye!

Everyone had a brilliant time away, making new friends across the partnership and trying new activities.

Photos below from day 3:


February 13, 2019
by Mrs Baillie

Primary 5-7 have reached Lockerbie Manor

Primary 5-7 have reached Lockerbie Manor on a 3 school, 3 day adventure of outdoor education and fun!

After a lunch stop at Springholm Primary they went onto Lockerbie and have unpacked and are now off on their first activity.  They are all very happy and excited campers!

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