Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

May 2, 2019
by User deactivated
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Beautiful Botanics

Kirkcolm Primary enjoyed a fantastic trip to Logan Botanic Gardens where they got to go on their very own bear hunt and participate in a digital photography lesson.

Pupils in P1-4 were hunting for the Chief Teddy – Edward-  who had invited them along to teach them what their own teddy ( and other animals ) would need to survive in the woods. The expert team at the gardens taught the children all the secrets of SWAF. SWAF stands for Shelter, Water, Air and Food and without them the animals wouldn’t be able to survive.

Every Picture Tells a Story.

p4-7 were taken for a digital photography lesson. They explored what made a good photograph and discussed the variety of techniques which could be used. After the lesson, pupils set off and started to plan their own photograph with their very own view finders.

Thank you to everyone at Logan Gardens, we had a brilliant morning.

April 26, 2019
by Mrs McHarg

Keeping Kirkcolm Clean

The whole school headed out on the last day of term, armed with litter pickers and bags to help keep the community tidy (and just as well, as our large metal paper recycling bin had blown over during the night with the high winds, so there was lots of paper to pick up in the playground alone!).

After clearing the playground, the boys and girls headed down to the beach to collect further litter that had been washed up on the shore.

Thank must go to Kerry Monteith from D&G Council, who provided us with the litter pickers and collected the bags of rubbish afterwards.

April 24, 2019
by User deactivated

Skiffie Worlds 2019

Kirkcolm Primary was delighted to have a visit from Wendy Cuff and her team who were out and about to promote the Skiffie World Championships that are due to take place in Stranraer from the 7-13th of July 2019.

Our visitors explained to us a little bit about the history of the Skiff and how it was made. The children were fascinated to learn that the boat was only made by hand from glue and wood. Pupils were given a chance to sit inside the boat where they were given a quick lesson on how to row.

Huge thank you to our visitors, we can’t wait to come and join in on the fun during the festival.

April 5, 2019
by User deactivated

Egg-cellent Fun

On Thursday afternoon something egg-citing happened in Primary 1-4 at Kirkcolm Primary. The boys and girls had an Easter egg hunt.

Working in teams, the pupils could only collect one egg at a time and return it to their desks.

P1 were using egg-cellent phonic skills to help them read the signs and find the eggs. Some pupils had to complete challenges to obtain eggs. Mrs Jardine had a special egg worth two points, however the pupils had to correctly spell “Easter” to get it (well done Alfie).

Congratulations to the winning duo Amy and Alfie who went home with an Easter egg each. All pupils were given a cream egg each and of course we shared out the chocolate from the spare Easter egg.  Above are some pictures of the egg-tastic time we all had.


April 2, 2019
by Mrs McHarg

It’s Show Time!! Sleeping Beauty – The Ugly Truth

Kirkcolm pupils took to the stage on Tuesday for 2 superb performances of ‘Sleeping Beauty – The Ugly Truth.’ The show tells the story of Princess Tiffany, born into a palace of ‘Beautiful Ones’ only concerned with their appearance, who has a curse cast upon her by Wanda the Witch. The princess is not like everyone else and falls in love with the scruffy gardener’s son, Alfie Mulcher. When she pricks her finger on a rose thorn, it is not only she who falls into a deep sleep, but the whole of the kingdom. It is down to Alfie to wake the Princess and save all of Bella Vista. 

Pupils have worked extremely hard over the last 6 weeks to learn lines, lyrics and actions to entertain the audience and bring the show to life – and they certainly didn’t disappoint! 

They performed to a packed hall of families, friends and Leswalt and Portpatrick pupils, who were all throughly entertained and impressed with the singing and theatrics on display. 

A huge well done must go to the boys and girls for all their hard work. You have truly earned your Easter break!! 

March 28, 2019
by User deactivated

Our New Play Equipment

Pupils are delighted to now have access to their wonderful new play equipment. After years of planning I’m sure you will all agree it looks brilliant and the pupils think it’s pretty great too. A huge thank you to Tesco- Bags of help community grant scheme, Kirkcolm Primary Parent Council, Grounds for Learning  and Dumfries and Galloway Council as well as everyone else who was involved in creating and funding the project.  What a fantastic space for the pupils.

March 22, 2019
by Mrs McHarg

Competitive Curling

Izzy, Guy, Cody and Mackenzie headed to the North West Castle on Monday to represent the school at the annual Curling Bonspiel competition. They worked as a team to compete against 12 local primary schools. Although they weren’t placed in the competition, they had a brilliant day and showed fab sportsmanship! Well done team!

March 15, 2019
by User deactivated

Comic Relief 2019

RND 2019 kicked off to a brilliant start at Kirkcolm Primary. The boys and girls made an outstanding effort to get into the spirit of things and looked slightly different as they entered the school this morning. Aside from the wonderful red noses, there were some crazy and magnificent hairstyles as well as a few RND t-shirts too.

After a morning of donations, selling noses and a small bake sale, pupils then helped to prepare the hall to welcome parents and families in the afternoon. At 2pm we all gathered to watch a spectacle like no other. The range of talent was incredible. We had a ribbon dance, a comedy act, singing and some football skills, making the judges job anything but easy when it came to choosing the winner.

The Results

1st place – Abbi Johnstone

Signing the song  ‘True colours’ by Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick.

2nd Place – Ivy Richardson

Singing  ‘9-5’ by Dolly Parton.

3rd Place- Ruth and Olivia Turtle.

Playing the cello and violin

Kirkcolms Got Talent was hosted by our wonderful House Captains and donations went towards Comic Relief. We will be sure to let you know a total on Monday.

Thank you to our Fantastic Judges, Reverent Claire, Her Husband (Our talent Scout from London), Mrs Milroy and Ms McMeikan as well as all the families and friends who joined us and donated.

March 15, 2019
by User deactivated

Science Week

It’s been a great week celebrating science week at Kirkcolm Primary. Both classes have been participating in lots of different experiments throughout the week.  In the lower school we invited parents in to join us in the celebrations. On Friday the 8th we set up some exciting experiments to explore how colours mix, the power of forces (using static electricity and magnets) as well as looking at how some science experiments don’t always work the way they are intended.
Huge thanks to all the parents who came along and helped.

March 15, 2019
by User deactivated

World Book Day

We celebrated World book day in Kirkcolm Primary with a paired reading event with the Nursery. Boys and girls brought along their favourite books and read them to the younger pupils. In the afternoon we played a number of games including Charades. We were very impressed with their knowledge of books and authors.  Below are some photos.

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