Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

Farewell to our Leswalt Comrades!


Today we bid farewell to Leswalt!

In what has been a chaotic week for poor Mrs Baillie and the Leswalt staff, trying to transport a whole school from one place to another, but the superstars have managed it(!!!) and today their extended stay with us has come to an end…

Poor Leswalt were only meant to be out of home for a term but due to unforeseen circumstances, this stay has extended for a year and a half! So Mrs Ferguson and the Leswalt senior class have endured the ‘metal box’ portacabin through blisteringly cold days and oven hot days and I bet they are more than ready to re-enter a cosy and brand spanking new classroom along with their infant troops who have resided in the spare classroom at Kirkcolm. 

To celebrate their stay with us, both schools came together for a cosy film afternoon in the Kirkcolm classrooms, and this gave the helpers a chance to clear out the classrooms in preparation for Monday… I am sure you will all join me in bidding them a sad goodbye, we have enjoyed having them here and forming new friendships across the 2 schools and watching the burgundy and red jumpers mixing together in the playground. We hope the pupils enjoyed their time together too, we know the staff did! We wish them all the best in their lovely new school building and we can’t think of anybody who deserves it more! 

From all here at Kirkcolm, until we are all reunited again, enjoy your new building and we will miss you!


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