Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

Gaspard’s Foxtrot!


Many moons ago, in the midst of online lessons, the upper school class here participated in an online Orchestral event which has us examine the music by The Royal Scottish National Orchestra and their production of Gaspard’s Foxtrot!

Then everything came full circle when we, along with a few other Primary Schools, ventured to Stranraer Academy to see the performance in real time! Pupils engaged in little games to test their reaction to music and then got to sit back and watch the story unfold and see the ways the orchestra could come together to create different emotions based on how they play the music and what a wonderful time it was! 

All pupils were entranced (as were staff) at this amazing performance and we are so grateful to the RNSO and Stranraer Academy for hosting us!

Small blip at the end where the bus was a tad late but thankfully the sun was shining so we made the most of it! 

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