Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

The Jubilee Jamboree Unfolds!


Today, in light of the exciting events that are about to unfold over the course of this long weekend off school, we decided to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee ‘Kirkcolm Primary style’ in school! As you are all well aware, this weekend marks the Queens reign of 70 years on the Royal Throne.

Pupils have spent the week researching and learning about Queen Elizabeth the Second life and all her accomplishments along the way so today had to culminate in a day of utter fun!

Both classes did some singing and dancing with Mrs Ramsay in the morning to show off at the end of the day, made some Queen based art and we decorated some cupcakes in true red, white and blue fashion.

All pupils came to school in either red, white or blue or dressed as royalty and wow – did the pupils put their best foots forward. There were some amazing efforts from pupils across the schools!

What a day we have had, we even had a lovely picnic lunch outside in the sunshine! We combined our lunch with an annual One Planet Picnic, minimising our use of single use plastic for our take-away lunch.  Michelle provided compostable spoons for our yogurts.  We recycled our pots in our new council plastic collection bins.  We also used paper bags instead of plastic.  Those that brought in their own lunches used re-usable snack pots and water bottles.

Check out the photos below for the fun and we hope everyone has a lovely relaxing long weekend in the sunshine! We will see you all again come Monday! 🙂

Not to mention the special visit from Liz herself taking a tour of the playground!


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