Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

A Trip to the Botanical Gardens!


Today Kirkcolm Primary got to venture outside the school grounds for a trip to Logan gardens! Many of the pupils remembered going on these trips before and we were delighted to be welcomed into the gardens once more!

The little class went off to enjoy a Teddy Bear’s Picnic. They packed up their night time buddies and brought them along for the fun. In this they learned all about SWAF – what bears need to survive in the wild; Shelter, Water, Air and Food! They played some games around this and made their own islands for their bears to live on – ensuring the bears had everything they needed! 

The big class toddled off to learn about the different parts of a flower. Using some creative props, we learned all about how pollination works in plants and our best friends – the bees – who play such an essential role in this. We then used magnifying glasses and coloured overlay glasses (that were extremely reminiscent of the early 3D movie days!) to study different flowers in the gardens and see how they appealed to insects. We also had some practise being our own squirrels and storing away our nuts for the Winter. 

Finally, we enjoyed our pack lunches, surrounded by the beauty of the gardens, before toddling back off on our bus to head back to school. 

We cannot thank the Botanical Garden Team enough for this day, it has been so informative and such fun for the pupils and adults! 

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