Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

Miss Currie Comes to Talk Politics!


Finally – we are allowed visitors!!!

My goodness, it couldn’t of come at a better time. The upper class across both Kirkcolm, Leswalt and Portpatrick have just started their new topic of Scottish Politics – quite the tricky one!

So myself and Mrs Ferguson felt the needs to bring in the big guns… A political expert in the form of the lovely Miss Emma Currie to come and chat to the pupils and explain the inner workings of our Government and how it ranges from our Local Councillors all the way to the Mp’s and Prime Minister down in London!

Emma has been involved in politics from a young age and has down screeds of work from volunteering at her own schools pupil council (inspiring this realisation that we are the tools in our own quest for change!) and this has led to her further involvement and even basing her own university studies around it! A true inspiration for the pupils, both boys and girls!

Emma was an amazing asset, she was able to answer all the pupils questions and get them engaged in realising how important their involvement in politics can be, she told us about how the government is structured, what we mean when we discuss the served issues to the devolved powers to just what our own local council is in charge of.

She let us know all the ways we could get ourselves involved politics from volunteering to the most simple tasks such as just listening to the news and registering yourself to vote when you turn 16.

The boys and girls across both Leswalt and Kirkcolm had lots of great questions prepared to ask Miss Currie and she answered them extremely well and really enforced the idea that politics is something everyone can get passionate about but also that element of respect and respecting the views and opinions of others – something we have touched on a lot through our Health and Well-being lessons!

So, thank you so much Emma for helping us all – both pupils and teachers have learned so much from you and you’ve been a fab inspiration to us all!

Here are some photos of the visit…

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