Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

Drug Awareness for P4-7


PC Wilson visited P4-7 last week as part of their current Health and Wellbeing topic to raise awareness of drugs. Most pupils thought of drugs as all being bad for you, so she explained the different types of drugs that exist, including medicines. She showed pupils a box of replica drugs which led into a discussion about the differences between legal and illegal drugs. Pupils were amazed that some looked just like everyday pills you might take for hayfever, for example – hence it was emphasised that you should never take drugs if they aren’t from a safe and trusted person or place such as the doctor or pharmacy and always follow the instructions. Pupils had lots of questions for PC Wilson that they had prepared in advance of her visit and were keen to find out more.

Thanks to PC Wilson for taking the time to pop into school to tell pupils how to keep themselves safe and help them in becoming responsible citizens.

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