Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

Fruity Bushtucker Trial


It was an exciting afternoon yesterday in Kirkcolm Primary’s infant class. The boys and girls in primary 1-4 have been learning about healthy eating since returning in January. Pupils have been exploring the different food groups and recognising the importance of a balanced and varied diet. They recognise how people may choose to follow different diets and eat different foods depending on where the live, their culture and individuals likes and dislikes. In order to embrace the diverse range of foods available, the boys and girls at Kirkcolm held their very own fruity Bushtucker Trial. With the classroom decorated in Australian flags and cork hats at the ready, pupils tried out some familiar and some unfamiliar fruits. On offer was; Avocado, Kiwi, Pomegranate, Pink Grapefruit, Sharon Fruit, Lychees, Passion Fruit, Figs and Goji Berries. We all had a lovely afternoon trying something new.

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