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FAR Certificates 22.11.18

This week it was the first time we used FAR Certificates at assemblies. All the colours of ribbons are put into a box and then if your colour of your FAR plane’s ribbon is pulled out you get a wrist band. Here are the winners of the teacher and pupil certificates.

Pupil                                                                                                Teacher

P4/5 Jigs and Reels

Recently in Primary 4/5 they have taken part in something called Jigs and Reels. Some of the pupils put together a little paragraph either in pairs or separately.

“We had a visitor at school, her name was Jane and she taught us all about Jigs and Reels. Jane also taught us how to do the slip step.”

“In Jigs and reels there was a lady called Jane. She taught us how to do Simon’s dance. It was really hard. We were in groups of eight. The music was really fast but I got the hang of it. We were in shapes and had to keep it in the eight steps. We also had to keep our heels off the ground. Jane told use how to do the slip step.”   By Carrie

Nicole, Ellie, Lily and Charlie all made up a dance called the Twirly Whirly dance this is the steps to their dance

1st we all went to the side then forward and backwards.

2nd we all gathered up in to a circle and went round and round and round.

3rd We split up and did a twirl and then we got a partner and span round together.

4th We got back in a line and one after the other did the floss.

5th One after the other stopped doing the floss.

6th We all hugged and then stopped.

Everyone in the class really enjoyed being part of the lesson.  They all learnt a lot and hope that the technique will really help them in future dancing routines. The class all worked really hard and would love for it to happen again!