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Remembrance day

On the 8th  of November P7 walked to the Aviation Museum to go to the Remembrance service. Before the 2 minutes silence they learnt about an aircraft pilot that crashed far way from home. Then they did a 2 minutes silence to show respect to the soldiers that fought for us during war.

After the silence Lucy, Eva, Harley, Grace, Talan and Jessica laid a wreath. Then they went to see the spitfire. The spitfire was named after the place it crashed, Loch Doon.

We went to the museum where we looked into bombing planes and life back in the war.

We then went to see a top secret American Glider which is extremely rare and is not open to the public yet.

Primary seven were very honored  to be invited. 


Meet the Political Parties in P6


This the SSTP  (Scottish Save the Turtles) Party.  Their aim is to reduce the amount of plastic in the Earth’s oceans.  They received the most votes in our class.  Well done!!



This is the first aiders mascot.  They came 2nd with 8 votes.  well done to Katelyn, Tilly ,Evie M, Bethany, Lucie and Alisha .

This Is the howlers. They came 3rd with 4 votes. Well done to Brooklyn, Sharleigh,  Luke,  Chelsea, Lewis and Faith .

This is infinity squad.

They came 4th with 3 votes.  Well done to Katie, Leah, Rhys, Phoebe, Ruth and Ezmie .

This is Heathhall’s Best

They came 5th with 2 votes. Well done to Cameron,  Josh, Ben and Caylan

MSP visit

In September an MSP came to visit P6 and told us all about the Scottish Parliament, how laws are passed and how important it is to vote. She gave us a piece of paper with one side  saying “Scottish” and the other side saying “Great Britain” and we had to choose who created the laws.  We then created political parties and we had to share our manifesto with the class.  Afterwards we had to vote for the party we wanted to be elected.

P7’s Trip to the high school for Play in a Day

On Thursday the 26th of September P7 visited the high school to take part in a play in a day. P7 learned a song that is a parody of the theme tune to fresh prince of Bel air . Before they started they played different games like EastEnders. In this game you had to say different phrases to move the imaginary ball.

Now onto the play. They chose an app to make a small drama piece about. There were Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, YouTube and Xbox.  In their drama piece you had to create a scenario including a social media danger. For instance one group did cyber bullying. They then rehearsed to max perfection. Some kids got to say a few words about danger within social media. They then performed to an audience (their parents) and were given a huge round of applause. The skills P7 developed on this trip were creativity, teamwork, and patience. They developed these skills by performing their drama piece, they also worked in a team to create this piece and shared ideas and last but not least they were patient with each other when they were perfecting their drama pieces. Overall P7 had lots of fun and learned lots at the high school thank you for having them!