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Dynamic Earth

On 27th of November P5-P7 went to Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh. It was a very early start needing to be at school for 7.45am. There were so many people that they needed to take 3 buses. It was a long way and took over 2 hours but singing kept them happy!

When they got there they had their snack. P7 and P5 were rushed off to watch a show on super volcanoes while P6 went on a tour. They all really enjoyed the show and P6 enjoyed the tour.  P7 then went on the tour and P6 and P5 went to the workshop.

On the tour they learnt about different types of rocks (geology), ice age, global warming, volcanoes, earthquakes, under the sea and rain forests. At the workshops they learnt about earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes, tornadoes and different materials like iron and steel by doing different activities. For the earthquakes they needed to make a building that could survive the floor shaking. For the tsunami they got to play a game on the internet and try and save all the people. For the volcanoes they needed to draw a volcano with the different types of lava. For the different types of rocks they needed to tell if they were meteors or not. And for the tornadoes they learnt to make tornados out of 2 plastic bottles and tape.

After their first 2 activities they had lunch. After lunch P7 went to the workshops , P5 went on the tour and P6 went to watch the film about super volcanoes. They all had a very good time at dynamic earth and all got home safely.

House Competition

The house and vice captains decided they wanted to have a competition for everyone in the whole school. The decided on an under the sea theme. They wanted to promote the awareness of plastic pollution so they wanted to do a junk modelling competition. They had approximately 100 entries. Each entry got 25 house points for entering, the finalist got 75 and the winners got 150.They all had a very tough time deciding  who would go forward to the final. The finalist were: Rory  from P2 and Cameron  from P6 from Hurricane, Evan from P2 and Chloe  from P5/6 from Lancaster, Libby from P1 and Sophie  from P5 from Wellington and from Spitfire was Harvey-Shek in P3 and Beth from P5. Then the community  council came in and decided who should be the overall winner. For the lower school the winner was…………

Evan from Lancaster

and the upper school winner was………..

Sophie from Wellington

They both received a £15 gift voucher and 150 house points.

The house points for each house were

Spitfire: 575

Wellington: 650

Lancaster: 700

Hurricane: 725

Well done to everyone who took part and we all hope you now recycle a little more!

Food and Health Skills Academy


In Term 1 a group of kids went to Mrs Brown’s class for Food and Health. They started off by looking at food labels. They looked at the colours on labels, sugar and energy. They then got into partners and sorted them with all Greens, Oranges and Reds.

In week 2  we then started to form/make our picnics. They had to make their picnic as healthy as possible. They had to add things that they could cut/make. Also they got a Tesco woman to come in. She taught them about how all the foods we eat come from different places and how it is better to eat things that come from the UK since getting them from another place can pollute the world.

In week 3 they then made pizzas with all British items they could find.  They then worked as a team to create a pizza. Each member who made the pizza got a slice at the end.

In week 4, the last week  they  started to make their picnic. Everything they have bought they have to be able to pepare with a knife,  cut etc. When they had made their picnic they then got to eat it!

P7 Rugby

Recently P7 have been doing rugby with 2 coaches. P7 learned how to pass the ball and how to tackle using different methods. One of the tackling methods the coaches taught them were the bear hug where they would wrap their arms around the other person’s waist. They played various different games that used all the methods P7 had learned to tackle and pass the ball. Some of the games they played were a modified version of octopus tag and beat the ball. All of P7 enjoyed the experience and were sad when the lessons ended.

Maths Week

During maths week P7 have done lots of different activities such as a maths show we went to and a Sumdog competition.

When we went to the maths show we were greeted by a clown who taught us all about how balloons can be used to measure things.

P7 also did a maths treasure hunt and stem activities related to maths such as a Shannon switching game and computer games.

STEM Rotation



P6/7 have been  taking part in a rotation of  STEM activities.

STEM stands for Science , Technology, Engineering and Maths.

We are split into 5 groups.  2 groups do STEM activities, a group practises Spelling, a group plays Sumdog and another group does Accelerated Reading.

For our first time doing STEM  we had to  make a LEGO marble maze and spaghetti tower with plasticine

and spaghetti.


On our second week of STEM rotation we made seed poppers and oobleck out of cornflower and water.






For our third week of STEM rotation we made a tinfoil boat and we filled them with 1 pence coins to see whos could hold the most weight. For the second activity we had to build a lego bridge and find out whos could hold the most weight James’s held the most since it was strong enough to hold all the weights.

On our fourth week of STEM rotation we did a lot of experimenting like we had to experiment on which side is your dominant. The other activity we did was to experiment with shadows and flashlights.