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Christmas Design Challenge

The Challenge- to design and create at least 8 gift tags using only one piece of card!

“We had to create gift tags to put on presents that we give.  We had to make at least 8 and up to 12 and plan it out to make sure they were all equal in size.” By Evan.

“In this challenge we made gift tags to put on gifts to take home and put on presents for our family. First we used our planning jotters to make rough outlines of them, we used a ruler to make sure they were the exact same size. Then we designed them in our jotters and we cut them out on pieces of card. After that we put on decorations such as pipe cleaners, googly eyes, pompoms and much more….” By Alex L

Please have a look at our designs…………….


Democracy Context – Political Parties

As part of our Democracy topic we created our own Political Parties in class. They were called:

  • School Striders
  • Happy Heathhall
  • GSP (General School Party)
  • CSC (Cool School Company)
  • Amazing Heathhall

We had a vote in class and the School Striders won by  a narrow margin. They then took part in an upper school election……and won!! Congratulations to the School Striders Party.

The School Striders party then had a meeting with Mrs McLean and the Pupil Council to try and implement some of their policies.

Dynamic Earth

Primary 5/6 had a wonderful time visiting Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh as part of their Natural Disasters context. They took part in a workshop to learn more about Natural Disasters, learning lots about volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and tornados. They also enjoyed the tour of Dynamic Earth, especially the moving floor in the volcano!

Sustainability and Energy Term 2

In Mrs Sim’s Skills Academy group we have been learning about renewable and non-renewable energy.

On the first week we learned what renewable and non-renewable means.

On the second week we had to get into groups and discuss what we wanted to make like a village , farm , house range and forest.

On the third week we started to make our models and put descriptions about how it’s sustainable.

On the fourth week we shared our models and then people got to take their models home.

P6 Term 2

In Term 2 Primary 6 have been working very hard.

For the first 3 weeks after the October holidays we had a student teacher, Mr McCrone who helped us for Maths , Literacy etc .

In Maths with Mrs Sim we have been working on simplifying  fractions and with Mrs Sloan we learned angles and how to draw them , now we are moving onto time like 12hr time and 24hr time.

In literacy with Mrs Sim we have been learning to write a news report.

In P.E with Mr Sharp we have been working on gymnastic and working with a partner to make moves up.

In IDL we have been learning about natural disaster and on the 27th of November P5 to P7 are going on a school trip to Dynamic Earth.