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First 3 weeks in P7

During the first week of P7 it was all mainly getting used to the daily routine and all of the new stuff at school, staggered break times and the constant washing or sanitising of hands. The first few days we were constantly moving to get used to our new classmates by sitting next to someone different from the opposite class everyday.

During the second week we got our first piece of writing to improve our descriptive skills and to make our writing better. Also we started to do maths for example our mental maths rotation including Daily Rigour, Number Talks, Sum-dog and Mental Agility.

We also started to draw self portraits of our self to put on the wall to represent one another.

In week 3 we started a second piece of descriptive writing and we also started a report on various subjects. We also did some more maths on angles such as complimentary and supplementary.

Then after that on Friday we made bird kites by using a step by step tutorial then after that we went outside to fly them!

First 3 Weeks In P4


In P4 we have be adding 2 digit  numbers to 2 digit numbers and the same with 3 digit numbers. We have been doing are times tables like are 5 times table with a number to add on to it.  We have been doing line Art.  We created a New York Skyline and an Autumn picture.  We created a poem using our senses on Autumn.  We are doing lots of work and we are enjoying our work.

P5/6 First Three Weeks

We have been working on multiplying and dividing by 10/100/1000 by making the number bigger or smaller.

We have been writing letters about us for our pen pals that go to Holston primary in Ayr.

Our class book is the BFG and we drew the BFG and labelled all the parts using the text.

We have been working on describing and summarising the characters from Christophe’s story.

With Mrs Sim we have been talking about how we feel with our masks on and off and have been talking about Healthy eating habits.

We have been researching about different animals all around the world and have been writing descriptive paragraphs about our 3 animals.

With Mrs Sloan we have been subtracting and adding 100 and 1000 using the formal written method.







First 3 Weeks In P1

What have we been learning about so far?

We have been learning about numbers and counting.

We have had fun playing with the P1/2s.

We have been learning about being a good friend.

We have been learning about sounds / letters.

We have been learning about the 5 senses.

We have been making a sensory garden.

First three weeks in P3

We have all settled well into the P3 class.

We have been reading Silly Billy and Operation Night Monster in class. We enjoyed Silly Billy and really liked making our own worry dolls. We used similes to describe a character and we are now working on using correct punctuation when we are writing.

In maths we have been learning about place value and have been counting forwards and backwards in tens from any two-digit number. We are getting really good at this.

Mr Ross has been teaching us PE and HWB – we have been focussing on fitness in PE and our emotions and feelings in HWB.