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Welcome to Primary 6

Hi! We are Primary 6 and this is our class blog. In this blog we will be showing you photos and telling you what we have been learning about. We have two fantastic teachers, Mrs Clanachan who teaches on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. We also have Mrs Sim who teaches us on a Thursday, Friday and Wednesday morning. In our class we have 33 magnificent, hardworking pupils who always strive to go FAR!   By Chloe and Scarlett B.

P1/2 First 3 Weeks

We’ve been very busy in P1/2 so far this term. We’ve spent lots of time getting to know each other and learning how to share and take turns. We painted some lovely self portraits and used wool for their hair. We have done lots of outdoor learning and have been drawing 2D shapes outside with the chalk. We’ve been learning about the senses and have been out on a senses hunt around the playground. We found some lavender in the secret garden! We’ve been enjoying playing in our double bubble Miss Douglas’ class. We’ve been learning our sounds and practising how to form letters and write our names  correctly.