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What We Have Been Learning During Term 2 P6


In Literacy we have been doing lots of interesting work such as, imaginative story writing, describing a character using similes, metaphors and personifications, taking notes about the festivals of light then putting them into a descriptive paragraph and lastly lots of grammar.

Imaginative Stories

We have been writing imaginative stories :they could be about anything. We had to add adjectives, similes, metaphors and personification. Personification is describing objects like you would describe  a human, e.g  his cloak hung LAZILY over his shoulders.

Festivals of light

We have been learning about 2 of the festivals of light: Diwali and Hanukkah.  Diwali is a festival that Hindus and  also some Sikhs celebrate. Hindus and Sikhs from all over the world celebrate this occasion. The story is about a prince called Rama and his love, Sita. They get sent of to the forest to live with Rama’s brother, Lakshmana.  An Evil demon king also lives in the forest called Ravana. Ravana has 20 arms and hands and 10 heads! Ravana kidnapped Sita but she left a trail of her jewelry that lead to the monkey king : Hanuman. Hanuman promised to help Rama find Sita and he told all the monkeys all around the world to help. They eventually found Sita trapped on an island and they built a bridge out of stones. Rama then defeated Ravana using a magic arrow. People lit lamps to help them find their way home.

Now people light little lamps called Diya lamps to remember Rama and Sita. People leave their doors open and create Rangoli patterns to guide the goddess  of Wealth and Fortune, Lakshmi, into their homes.

Hanukkah is celebrated in the Jewish calendar.  The story is about an evil king called Antiochus who didn’t like people with different beliefs to him so he started a war and anyone who didn’t go to his side would be harshly suffered. Everyone went over to Antiochus’s side. A group of people called the Maccabees never and they went to war and won. Then they looked for oil to help them, it was only meant to last for a short while but god was on their side and it lasted 8 days and 8 nights. Now people light 8 candles in memory of the Maccabees.



In Maths we have been doing symmetry work with Mrs Sim. We worked on our Diwali project whilst doing this. We made symmetrical Rangoli patterns out of paper and we drew and coloured our own. Here are some examples.


“I really enjoyed doing this.” Tyler.

“They were very fun.” Poppy.

“I really like them because they are bright and colourful.” Abbie.

“I really enjoyed doing these because they were symmetrical and really fun to make.” Carrie.

“I liked doing it because it was really colourful.” Callum.

“Learning about Diwali was really fun and I loved how we incorporated it into our maths symmetry. I learned lots of interesting facts I didn’t know. It was really fun to do all the research and it was genius to add it into our maths, art and Diwali.” Scarlett B.

Decimals, Percentages and Fractions.

With Mrs Clanachan, we have been learning about Percentages and we calculate percentages from 100. For example,  if you had 37 out of 100 it would be 37%. Somehow we managed to incorporate our fractions into this : 37% would then become 0.37 or 37 over 100.  After that we did some games like  fractions bingo, loop cards and decimal pairs which was really fun.


We have just started revising time and finding the difference between time intervals. E.g. John got on a train at Fullham and was on