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Christmas Door Decorations

P6/7 and P7 have recently been making the school a little more Christmassy by decorating different doors around the school.

The children had to measure the doors then draw a plan of their door to scale. They then had to plan out their design and select the resources they would need.

We then had Mrs Townsend-Sawley judge these doors and the winning design was ‘It’s Cold Outside’.

Well done to everyone on their amazing designs!

Term 2 in P6/7

This Term in P6/7 we have been continuing to focus on Literacy and Maths.  In Maths we have been learning about angles.  We all should know what an acute, right, obtuse, straight and reflex angles is.  We have been measuring different angles with a protractor and have had a go at drawing different angles too.

We have also focussed on number patterns.  We looked at Pascal’s triangle and Fibonacci’s number pattern.

In Literacy we have been writing different types of poems, reports and instructions.  Linked to our IDL focus of Festivals of Light we wrote a report about Diwali and created a game about Hanukkah, which we wrote instructions for.  We learned about Advent too and made a Christingle.  In Literacy we have also looked at the features of different types of traditional stories (myths, legends and fairytales).  We have had a go at comparing older and more modern texts.

In the lead up to Remembrance Day in November our class created poems inspired by Flanders Fields.  We then created paintings of soldiers walking through poppy fields.  Our class painted poppies onto stones and we took them home.  Some of us placed them on local war memorials.

As part of our Health and Wellbeing focus this term we looked at cyber bullying.  We created posters about the topic, they tell us what is wrong with this form of bullying and the effects of cyber bullying.  Our posters suggest ways you can deal with cyber bullying too.

As well as the writing we did about Festivals of Light we created rangoli designs.  During Diwali these are created at the entrance to homes of those celebrating the festival.  We designed ours and created ours in chalk at the school entrance.  We had to make them symmetrical.